VO 250109-1 Ergodic Theory I

Lecturer: Prof. Henk Bruin

Email H. Bruin for further information for this course.


No more classes on June 27 and 29.


Day Time Room fromuntil
Tuesday 16:45--17:30 SR10 Lecture07.3.201727.06.2017
Thursday 9:45-11:15 SR11 Lecture09.3.201729.06.2017

Contents of the course

This is an introduction to ergodic theory, that is: the study of how invariant measures play a role in dynamical systems. Topics to be discussed are likely to include
- Invariant measures in various standard examples (both finite and infinite);
- Ergodicity, unique ergodicity and proving ergodicity;
- Poincaré recurrence and Kac' Lemma;
- Ergodic Theorems;
- Induced transformations, Rokhlin towers and similar results;
- Transfer operators;
- Connections to notions from Probability Theory (Mixing, Bernoulli processes).

The course will be given in English



Will be based on an oral exam (in English by default, aber auf Deutsch ist auch möglich ). The material is contained in the class notes: everything up to Section 14: toral autmorphisms, but not the Bernoulli shifts, the Chacon cutting-and-stacking example, and no infinite ergodic theory (Zweimüller's notes).


Course material (Hand-outs)

Updated January 2017