Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

Logic and Informatics (2024/2025)

Organizers: Agata Ciabattoni (WPI c/o TU Wien), Vera Fischer (WPI c/o U. Wien), Laura Kovacs (WPI c/o TU Wien), Sandra Müller (WPI c/o TU Wien)


Workshop "Asynchronous Hyperproperties: From Theory to Practice" (external website )

Location: TU Wien, FAV Hörsaal 1, Favoritenstraße 9-11, 1040 Wien
Time: 6. Jul 2024 (Sat) - 7. Jul 2024 (Sun); Opening: 10:00
Hyperproperties are a general framework to reason about properties requiring comparing multiple system executions, like security properties or robustness requirements. In this workshop, we want to bring together practitioners from different backgrounds with theoreticians developing frameworks for specifying hyperproperties. This workshop will focus on the recent developments in hyperproperties verification over systems in which executions are not aligned, called asynchronous hyperproperties. The workshop format will emphasise open discussions and promote the interchange of ideas between different communities.
TU Wien
Ana Oliveira da Costa (ISTA)
Thomas Henzinger (ISTA)
Laura Kovács (WPI c/o TU Wien)
César Sánchez (IMDEA, Spain)
Borzoo Bonakdarpour (MSU, USA)

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