Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna |
The conditions for membership are defined in the by-laws that can be changed only at a general assembly by a majority vote of the full members.
The basic guidelines are:
is no condition of Austrian nationality for membership; all
scientists working in Austria are welcome. Upon
decision of the board, any individual or corporation may become an
Particularily welcome are scientists who intend to apply
for a project eligible for full membership. They can profite from the
experience and infrastructure of the WPI for preparing their proposal
and find high-level partners for setting up interdisciplinary
The condition to become a full
member is a high-level grant/award project of approx. 1 Mill Euro with a minimum duration of three years. The core requirement is that the evaluation of the award/grant has to be a 2 step procedure on the highest international level, independent of national/political influence. A "best practice" evaluation procedure ERC grants or START/Wittgenstein awards.
Currently the following type of projects are
explicitly eligible for full membership :
START/Wittgenstein award
ERC grant (starting, consolidator, advanced, synergy)
Coordinator of EU network project (FET, COST, Marie Curie network,…)
Speaker of a FWF Doktoratskollegs, Sonderforschungsbereich
WWTF chair
Full membership is only temporary and expires 3
years after the end of the underlying project.
Thereafter, the
full member becomes a corresponding
member for lifetime.
Major decisions are reserved for full members.
This ensures that
the decision body at the WPI is composed merely of active scientists
running large projects.
While active voting rights are reserved for full members, associate and corresponding members are eligible to be board members, director or president .
© WPI 2001-2004. | www.wpi.ac.at |