Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna |
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Working Group: Extreme Value Analysis for time series |
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Workshop on Neural Dynamical Systems and Time-Series Data (external website ) |
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Topics: neural and controlled differential equations, reservoir computing, signature and signature-kernel methods, and more with applications in modeling and optimization across fields like finance, biology, and medicine. | ||
Workshop "Permanent magnet materials in the making" |
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Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance (external website ) |
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Topics: The conference will bring together leading experts from various fields of Mathematical Finance such as: Financial Economics, Green and Sustainable Finance (Electricity, Energy,...), Insurance (Climate Risk, Cyber Risk, ...), Statistics for Financial Markets and Large Language Models Mean Field Games and Stochastic Control, New Technologies in Finance and Insurance, Optimal Transport, Portfolio Optimisation, Risk Management, Rough Analysis in Finance and Insurance | ||
Symposium: "Radical Software Symposium: Women Art and Computing" (external website ) |
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Topics: Kickoff-Event for "Radical Symposium" exhibition at Kunsthalle Wien | ||
Working group on Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Equations |
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27th Pauli Colloquium: François Golse |
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Topics: 27th Pauli Colloquium, jointly with Colloquium of the research platform MMM 1) 10h30 CoffeeTea & CakeFruit 2) 11h00: Welcome: Norbert J Mauser (WPI c/o MMM & Fak. Math. U.Wien) Introduction: Jakob Möller (WPI c/o Ecole Polytechnique 3) Francois Golse (Ecole polytechnique, CMLS): "Velocity Averaging for Quantum Kinetic Equations" Abstract: Velocity averaging in classical kinetic models [1,2,3] like Vlasov or Boltzmann equation is a smoothing mechanism for „macroscopic“ observables (in position space) as averages in the velocity variable of the phase space distribution function. The Wignertransform [4,5,6,7] converts the Schrödinger (or von Neumann) equation into sort of Vlasov equation for the Wignerfunction, with the standard transport term and a nonlocal (i.e. pseudodifferential) force term. It is a long standing question if one can apply velocity averaging to quantum kinetic Wigner equations, in order to obtain a gain of regularity on quantities such as the density function. In this talk we introduce kinetic equations and the classical averaging lemma and then show that this indeed works in the quantum physics case, for special mixed states, but typically fails for pure states (similar to the situation for the semiclassical limit of nonlinear Schrödinger equations [5,6]). We use a new (?) derivation of Madelung's fluid dynamic formulation of Schrödinger equations [8]. (Joint work with Jakob Möller) | ||
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Symposium "Space hits Earth - the impact of Christian Köberl" (external website ) |
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Working Group: "Time integrators for Schrödinger equations and the phenomenon of resonances" |
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Working group: "Grassmannians and Flag manifolds in applications" |
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Impressum | webmaster [Printable version] |