I am Willi Kepplinger, a fourth year PhD student supervised by Vera Vértesi and Michael Eichmair. My PhD project is centered around interactions between (Riemannian) Geometry and (Contact) Topology.

Apart from Mathematics I enjoy playing soccer, reading, and scuba diving. I won't say no to bouldering or hiking either, so let me know if you are looking for people to join you!


E-Mail: willi.kepplinger@univie.ac.at



Journal articles

  1. Willi Kepplinger, An Algorithm taking Kirby diagrams to trisection diagrams Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 318 (2022), No. 1, 109–126 (link to journal).

  2. Willi Kepplinger, On spectral simplicity of the Hodge Laplacian and Curl Operator along paths of metrics accepted for publication in TAMS arxiv


  1. Josef Greilhuber, Willi Kepplinger, On Arnold's Transversality Conjecture for the Laplace-Beltrami Operator arxiv

  2. Alberto Enciso, Willi Kepplinger, Daniel Peralta-Salas Isolated steady solutions of the 3D Euler equations arxiv