Mini-course "Functions of bounded variation and their applications" for the Vienna School of Mathematics, 22-26.01.24. Lecture notes: here.

Research interests

Main research fields: Calculus of Variations, Partial Differential Equations, Geometric Measure Theory, Analysis on Metric Spaces.

Keywords: Nonlinear and singular PDEs, 1-Laplacian, Least gradient problem, Optimal transport, Gradient flows, Minimal surfaces, Anisotropy, Gamma-convergence, Relaxation, Functionals with linear growth, Conductivity imaging, Free material design, Crystallisation, Discretisation.

Recent book

  1. W. Górny and J.M. Mazón, Functions of Least Gradient, Monographs in Mathematics, vol. 110, 2024, ISBN 978-3-031-51880-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51881-2.

Important links

Applied Mathematics group at UniWien: link

My ORCID ID: link

My MathSciNet profile: link

My Google Scholar profile: link


Below is the list of my former and current collaborators (in alphabetical order).

  1. Bartosz Bieganowski, Polish Academy of Sciences.
  2. Stefano Buccheri, UC Louvain.
  3. Iwona Chlebicka, University of Warsaw.
  4. Samer Dweik, University of Warsaw.
  5. Manuel Friedrich, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.
  6. Daniel Hauer, University of Sydney.
  7. José M. Mazón, University of València.
  8. Delio Mugnolo, University of Hagen.
  9. Andrea Pinamonti, University of Trento.
  10. Piotr Rybka, University of Warsaw.
  11. Ahmad Sabra, American University of Beirut.
  12. Ulisse Stefanelli, University of Vienna.
  13. Julián Toledo, University of València.