Universität Wien - Fakultät für Mathematik
Winter Semester 2019

Information on the

Calculus of Variations Seminar

250087 SE, SPL Mathematik
2 weekly hours, 4.0 ECTS

Ulisse Stefanelli
e-mail: ulisse.stefanelliAnti-Spamunivie.ac.at
webpage: http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~stefanelli

Where and when
Wednesdays, 12.00-13.30,seminar room in the 9th floor, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1.
First meeting on Wed. 02.10.2019

The seminar will offer the opportunity of getting in touch with classic and modern themes from the Calculus of Variations.
All participants are welcome to contribute by presenting a topic and by taking part in informal discussions.
Occasionally, scientific guests will also be invited to present.

Each student participant will be required to participate in the weekly meetings and to deliver a seminar on a preassigned topic.

The seminar is held in English.

The Schedule
The schedule and the contents of the seminar will be flexible. A tentative plan is