Use the following details when making the transfer:

Name: Associação Álvaro Gonçalves
VAT: 516912747
Address: Largo D. João III, n1, 5210-190 Miranda do Douro
Bank: Millennium BCP
IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 45672937523 05

Please include sufficient details in the description or reference of your transfer to identify that the payment is for THE 93rd SEMINAIRE LOTHARINGIEN DE COMBINATOIRE, including the name of the participant. For example: "SLC - John Smith". After the payment has been made, please kindly inform us by providing the payment receipt and the payment details (such as Name of Participant, Amount Transferred, and Date of Payment) in order to facilitate the tracking of the transferred funds. Any handling fee charged by the intermediary bank and the beneficiary bank should be borne by the participant or the institution responsible for the participant.

For any inquiry or assistance regarding payments and invoices, feel free to reach out to us at .

For other assistance regarding registration or venue information, please contact .