(Wien, Erlangen, Marne-la-Vallée)
will take place at the
from Sunday, March 23, 2025 (evening) to Wednesday March 26, 2025.
Participants are expected to arrive for the dinner on Sunday and leave
after lunch on Wednesday.
There will be time for a limited number of talks by participants (about 25 minutes each talk). Everybody is invited to submit a talk.
The Centro de Alto Rendimento de Remo is located at the river Douro not too far from Porto. The easiest way to reach the Rowing Centre is by the train from Porto to Pocinho (about 3.5 hours; wonderful views); from the train station one can walk to the Rowing Centre.
Travel from venue (High-Performance Rowing Centre in Pocinho) back to Porto and airport on Wednesday, March 26: The organisation will have a bus leaving the High-Performance Rowing Centre immediately after lunch at 13:30, which is due to arrive at the Porto airport (OPO) at about 16:10. This bus will then proceed to central Porto, with final stop at a subway station close to the city's bus and train terminal.
until February 28, 2025
to the organisers. See here for detailed instructions.