Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B80pref (2018), 1 p.
Riccardo Biagioli and Frédéric Jouhet
The 80th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire was held from March 25
to 28, 2018, at the Institut Camille Jordan, Université Lyon1, Lyon, France.
The main speakers of this session were:
Boris Adamczewski
(CNRS - Université Claude Bernard Lyon-I, France)
Stéphane Gaussent
(Université Jean Monnet Saint Étienne, France).
They gave, respectively, three lectures on the topics
"Diagonals of Rational Functions"
"On Some Iwahori-Hecke Algebras Associated to Kac-Moody Groups".
There were also many contributed talks (see the detailed list below)
which covered various topics, ranging from permutations,
representation theory, symmetric functions, continued fractions,
alternating sign matrices, to operads.
As usual in the spirit of the SLC, the participants also had time during
the many coffee breaks and meals taken all together to have scientific
discussions and share ideas.
We would like to thank the Institut Camille Jordan, the Labex Milyon,
and the University of Vienna for their financial support.
Contributed talks:
Christine BESSENRODT: Character restrictions and hook removal operators on the odd Young graph
Alin BOSTAN: Algebraic power series mod p: fast computation of coefficients
Mathilde BOUVEL: First-order logic for permutations
Valentin FÉRAY: Random permutation factorizations
Thomas GERBER: Regular multipartitions and representation theory
Sebastian KÖNIG: The decomposition of 0-Hecke modules associated to quasisymmetric Schur functions
Alexander MILLER: Orthogonal polynomials and Smith normal form
Bérénice DELCROIX-OGER: Hypergraph polytopes and operads
Soichi OKADA: Skew hook formula for d-complete posets
Raúl PENAGUIÃO: Chromatic symmetric function on graphs and polytopes
Mathias PÉTRÉOLLE: Branching continued fractions
Vincent PILAUD: Quotientopes
Sanjay RAMASSAMY: Extensions of partial cyclic orders and multidimensional boustrophedons
Manjil SAIKIA: Refined enumeration of alternating sign matrices
Alan SOKAL: Coefficientwise Hankel-total positivity
List of Participants:
- Boris Adamczewski (Lyon)
- Florian Aigner (Wien)
- Olga Azenhas (Coimbra)
- Christine Bessenrodt (Hannover)
- Riccardo Biagioli (Lyon)
- Alin Bostan (Paris)
- Jérémie Bouttier (Lyon)
- Mathilde Bouvel (Zürich)
- Srecko Brlek (Montréal)
- Fabrizio Caselli (Bologna)
- Bérenice Delcroix-Oger (Paris)
- Aram Dermenjian (Montréal)
- Theresia Eisenkölbl (Lyon)
- Justine Falque (Paris)
- Valentin Féray (Zürich)
- Stéphane Gaussent (Saint-Étienne)
- Thomas Gerber (Aachen)
- Laurent Habsieger (Lyon)
- Bin Han (Lyon)
- Anne Henke (Stuttgart)
- Emma Yu Jin (Wien)
- Matthieu Josuat-Vergès (Paris)
- Frédéric Jouhet (Lyon)
- Sebastian König (Hannover)
- Christian Krattenthaler (Wien)
- Olga Kravchenko (Lyon)
- Bodo Lass (Lyon)
- Alexander Miller (Wien)
- Élie Mosaki (Lyon)
- Clemens Müllner (Lyon)
- Jean-Christophe Novelli (Paris)
- Qiongqiong Pan (Lyon)
- Federico Pellarin (Saint-Étienne)
- Raúl Penaguião (Zürich)
- Mathias Pétréolle (London)
- Vincent Pilaud (Paris)
- Viviane Pons (Paris)
- Soichi Okada (Nagoya)
- Sanjay Ramassamy (Lyon)
- Mercedes Rosas (Sevilla)
- Ines Rodrigues (Lisboa)
- Taizo Sadahiro (Tokyo)
- Manjil Saikia (Wien)
- Bruno Salvy (Lyon)
- Alan Sokal (London)
- Nicolas Thiéry (Paris)
- Daniel Vargas (Lyon)
- Reem Yassawi (Lyon)
- Meesue Yoo (Hwasung Gyunggido)
- Jiang Zeng (Lyon)
- Bao-Xuan Zhu (London)