Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
Issue 72
March 22 - 26, 2014, Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Tom H. Koornwinder
Semi-expository article
-Type Interpolation Macdonald Polynomials and Their
=1 Limit
(27 pp.)
Patrick Dehornoy and Philippe Biane
Dual Garside Structure of Braids and Free Cumulants of Products
(15 pp.)
Franciska Petényi
Comparing Estimates on the Number of Zeros of Irreducible Characters in Symmetric Groups
(14 pp.)
Bérénice Oger
Incidence Hopf Algebra of the Hypertree Posets
(22 pp.)
Wenjie Fang
Bijective Proofs of Character Evaluations Using the Trace Forest of Jeu de Taquin
(19 pp.)