Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B68a (2012), 20 pp.
Sergey Kitaev and Jeffrey Remmel
Quadrant Marked Mesh Patterns in Alternating Permutations
This paper is a continuation of the systematic study of the distribution of
quadrant marked mesh patterns initiated in
[J. Integer Sequences, 12 (2012), Article 12.4.7].
We study quadrant marked mesh patterns on
up-down and down-up permutations, also known as alternating and
reverse alternating permutations, respectively. In particular, we
refine classical enumeration results of André
[C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 88 (1879), 965-967;
J. Math. Pur. Appl. 7 (1881), 167-184]
on alternating permutations by showing that the distribution
with respect to the
quadrant marked mesh pattern of interest is given by
(sec(xt))1/x on up-down permutations of even length and by
on down-up permutations of odd
Received: May 2, 2012.
Accepted: September 25, 2012.
Final Version: September 28, 2012.
The following versions are available:
On page 8, line 4 from the bottom, in the summation index
UD2n(2k) should be replaced by
On page 9, line 2, in the summation index
UD2n(2k) should be replaced by
On page 13, first line after (3.2),
A2k+2(k+1)+k) should be replaced by
On page 19, line 10 above References, the definition of (x)n
should be corrected to