Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B64pref (2010), 1 p.
Riccardo Biagioli, Frédéric Jouhet and Jiang Zeng
The 64th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire was held from March 28
to 31, 2010, at the Institut Camille Jordan, Université Lyon1, Lyon, France.
The main speakers of this session were:
Alain LASCOUX (CNRS - Université Marne-la-Vallée, France)
Arun RAM (University of Melbourne, Australia).
They gave, respectively, three lectures on the topics "Key polynomials
(Demazure characters) for type A,B,C,D"
and "Lyndon words, MV polytopes and the Littelmann path model".
Contributed talks:
Arvind AYYER and Volker STREHL: Combinatorial properties of an asymmetric exclusion process
Matthieu DENEUFCHÂTEL: Asymptotic of Selberg-like integrals: the unitary case and the binomial transform
Thomas FEIERL: Asymptotics for reflectable lattice walks in a Weylchamber of type B
Valentin FÉRAY: Asymptotic of characters of symmetric groups and limit shape of Young diagrams
Roberta FULCI: Models and refined models for Coxeter groups of type B and D
Florent HIVERT: The Sage-Combinat Project: Status and future
Masao ISHIKAWA: A partial proof of Okada's conjecture for double-tailed diamond
Matthieu JOSUAT-VERGÈS: Genocchi numbers and alternative tableaux
Jang Soo KIM: Some results on permutation tableaux
Ricardo MAMEDE: On the full interval of linear expansion of a skew Schur function
Philippe NADEAU: Polynomials around the Razumov-Stroganov conjecture
Anne SCHILLING and Nicolas THIÉRY: Sorting monoids on Coxeter groups
Christian STUMP: A cyclic sieving phenomenon in Catalan combinatorics
List of Participants:
- Artale Maria - (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata")
- Ayyer Arvind - (CEA, Saclay)
- Azenhas Olga - (Universidade de Coimbra)
- Bacher Roland - (Institut Fourier, Grenoble I)
- Biagioli Riccardo - (ICJ, Université Lyon 1)
- Biane Philippe - (IGM, Marne la Vallée)
- Borie Nicolas - (Laboratoire de mathématique d'Orsay)
- Bosca Corrado - (Università di Roma "La Sapienza'')
- Boussicault Adrien - (IGM, Marne la Vallée)
- Chapoton Frédéric - (ICJ, Université Lyon 1)
- Cheballah Hayat - (LIPN, Université Paris XIII)
- Conflitti Alessandro - (CMUC, University of Coimbra)
- Corteel Sylvie - (LIAFA, Université Diderot Paris)
- Deneufchâtel Matthieu (LIPN, Université Paris 13)
- Eisenkölbl Theresia - (ICJ, Université Lyon 1)
- Faliharimalala Hilarion Louis Martin - (Université d'Antananarivo)
- Feierl Thomas - (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)
- Féray Valentin - (Université Bordeaux 1)
- Fulci Roberta - (Università di Bologna)
- Gaudier Henri - (Université de Strasbourg)
- Gelineau Yoann - (ICJ, Université Lyon 1)
- Giraudo Samuele - (IGM, Marne la Vallée)
- Grekos Georges - (Université de Saint-Etienne)
- Han Guoniu - (Université de Strasbourg)
- Hivert Florent - (LITIS Université de Rouen)
- Ishikawa Masao - (Tottori University)
- Josuat-Vergès Matthieu - (Université Paris XI)
- Jouhet Frédéric - (ICJ, Université Lyon 1)
- Kasraoui Anisse - (Reykjavik University)
- Kim Jang Soo - (University of Paris 7)
- Krattenthaler Christian - (Universität Wien)
- Lascoux Alain - (Université Marne-la-Vallée)
- Lass Bodo - (ICJ, Université Lyon 1)
- Malvenuto Claudia - (Università di Roma "La Sapienza'')
- Mamede Ricardo - (Universidade de Coimbra)
- Moci Luca - (Università di Roma Tre)
- Nadeau Philippe - (University of Vienna)
- Nicolas Jean-Louis - (Université de Lyon 1)
- Novelli Jean-Christophe - (Universite Paris-Est)
- Pesiri Alfonso - (Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata")
- Podloucky Konrad - (Universität Wien)
- Poinsot Laurent - (Université Paris 13)
- Okada Soichi - (Nagoya University)
- Ram Arun - (University of Melbourne)
- Schilling Anne - (University of California at Davis)
- Shin Heesung - (ICJ, Université Lyon 1)
- Stevenson Nicholas - (University of Melbourne)
- Strehl Volker - (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Stump Christian - (LaCIM, Université du Québec à Montréal)
- Terada Itaru - (University of Tokyo)
- Thibon Jean-Yves - (Université Paris-Est)
- Thiéry Nicolas - (Université Paris Sud)
- Zeng Jiang - (ICJ, Université Lyon 1)