Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Issue 62

February 22 - 25, 2009, Religionspädagogisches Zentrum Heilsbronn, Germany


[B62a] Anisse Kasraoui
d-Regular Set Partitions and Rook Placements (8 pp.)
[B62b] Marc Aubry
Twisted Lie Algebras and Idempotent of Dynkin (22 pp.)
[B62c] Hilarion L. M. Faliharimalala and Arthur Randrianarivony
Flag-Major Index and Flag-Inversion Number on Colored Words and Wreath Product (10 pp.)
[B62d] Francesco Regonati
On the Combinatorics of Young-Capelli Symmetrizers (36 pp.)
[B62e] Gérard H. E. Duchamp, Christophe Tollu, Karol A. Penson and Gleb A. Koshevoy
Deformations of Algebras: Twisting and Perturbations (14 pp.)