At beginning of the meeting, Volker Strehl gave us an hommage of our dear Lotharingien Pierre LEROUX (1942-2008), who had attended numerous meetings of the Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, and who had also planned to attend this one, which however was made impossible by his untimely death on March 9, 2008. Volker Strehl reminded us of Pierre's enthousiasm for mathematics, canooing, skiing, nature, and how he has thus been a source of energy for all of us, not at least by his extremely encouraging character. Subsequently, Gérard Duchamp read a passionate poem written by Xavier Viennot, which was followed by moments of silence.
Subsequently, the participants enjoyed a rich scientific program, inspiring discussions, and placid evenings in the bar area of the Erwachseneninstitut.
The series of main lectures was given by
Unfortunately, Anders BJÖRNER, who was supposed to give the second series of main lectures, had to cancel in the last moment because of a serious influenza. I must, in the name of all participants, thank particularly Dominique FOATA, Ron KING and Peter PAULE, who stepped in at very short notice, and gave us extremely interesting and beautiful one hour lectures.
Alessandro CONFLITTI: Noncommutative hypergeometric and basic hypergeometric differential equations over an abstract unital Banach algebra
Gérard DUCHAMP: Combinatorial physics
Dominique FOATA: Descents and decreases, and the Wittgenstein Preis
Sven HERRMANN: Genocchi numbers and f-vectors of simplicial balls
Jang Soo KIM: A combinatorial proof for the largest power of 2 in the number of involutions
Ron KING: Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and the hive model
Martina KUBITZKE: Lefschetz algebras and Eulerian numbers
Philippe NADEAU: Bijections for Permutation tableaux
Ricardo MAMEDE: Identical bijections on the conjugation property of Littlewood-Richardson fillings
Peter PAULE: Plane partitions: MacMahon's dream has come true!
Laurent POINSOT: On the group of substitutions with prefunctions occurring in the boson normal ordering problem
Martin RUBEY: Self-avoiding walks in wedges and crossings in matchings and permutations
Flavia STAN: An algorithmic approach to recurrences for a general class of multiple contour integrals of Barnes type
Christian STUMP: A bijection between non-nesting and non-crossing partitions of types A and B preserving interesting statistics
Jiang ZENG: Euler's q-difference table for the wreath product of a cyclic group and a symmetric group