Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Issue 59

September 23 - 26, 2007, Centro Residenziale Universitario di Bertinoro


[B59a] Takayuki Hibi
Gröbner Basis Techniques in Algebraic Combinatorics (22 pp.)
[B59c] Céline Righi
Number of "udu"s of a Dyck Path and ad-Nilpotent Ideals of Parabolic Subalgebras of sll+1(C) (17 pp.)
[B59d] Chak-On Chow
Counting Multiderangements by Excedances (16 pp.)
[B59e] Olivier Bernardi
Solution to a Combinatorial Puzzle Arising from Mayer's Theory of Cluster Integrals (10 pp.)
[B59f] Jean-Christophe Aval
Keys and Alternating Sign Matrices (13 pp.)
[B59g] Olga Azenhas and Ricardo Mamede
Actions of the Symmetric Group Generated by Comparable Sets of Integers and Smith Invariants (27 pp.)