Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B52pref (2004), 1
Jean-Yves Thibon
The 52nd Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
took place in
Domaine Saint-Jacques, 67530 Ottrott, France,
from Sunday, March 28, 2003 (evening) to Wednesday, March 31, 2004 (afternoon).
This meeting of the
Séminaire Lotharingien hosted a special session,
celebrating the 60th birthday of
Alain Lascoux. The event, which attracted 67 participants
from some ten countries, was intended as a surprise for Alain.
After one day of regular talks, the second day opened with
a lecture by Piotr PRAGACZ reviewing the mathematical
work of Alain. It was followed by fifteen invited talks
of high quality, and the seminar ended with
a talk by Alain himself.
The organizing institution was the University of Marne-la-Vallée
(J. Désarménien, J.-G. Luque, J.-Y. Thibon).
The invited lectures in the LascouxFest were the following:
- Christine BESSENRODT:
On some properties of the character tables of Sn,
\tilde Sn and An
- Francesco BRENTI:
A Foata-Schützenberger type theorem for the hyperoctahedral group
Polynomial equations with one "catalytic" variable
Travaux de Randrianarivony sur les statistiques de Babson-Steingrímsson
- Guo-Niu HAN:
Autour de l correspondance de Robinson
Symmetric functions prove asymptotic results for random walks in alcoves of affine Weyl groups
- Alain LASCOUX:
Addition de +-1 et application à l'arithétique et à la thérie des partitions
- Bernard LECLERC:
Base canonique de type A5 et système de racines elliptique de type E8
- Maxim NAZAROV:
A mixed hook-length formula for affine Hecke algebras
- Jørn OLSSON:
Regular character tables for symmetric groups and a question of Mathas
- Dominique PERRIN:
Generating sequences of rational languages
- Piotr PRAGACZ:
Some combinatorial problems arising in algebraic geometry
- Xavier VIENNOT:
Forme des permutations, chemins et profil des arbres binaires
- Jiang ZENG:
Mahonmian statistics on ordered partitions and the moemnts of q-Meixner polynomials
The contributed talks given were the following:
- Rieuwert BLOK:
Activity on matroids
- Charles COCHET:
Integral points in polytopes: application in representation theory
- Alessandro CONFLITTI:
Combinatorics of symmetric and finite oxeter groups
- Mark DUKES:
Large deviations of Knuth's generalized matchbox problem
- Christophe HOHLWEG:
Algèbre des descentes généralisées,
algèbre coplaxique et caractères irréductibles pour les groupes hyperoctaedraux
- Federico INCITTI:
Bruhat order on the involutions of classical Weyl groups
- Roman KÖNIG:
Fast construction of concept lattices
- Yavan Le BORGNE:
Counting interactions in Dyck paths
- Cédric LECOUVEY:
Kostka-Foulkes polynomials for type Cn
- Svante LINUSSON:
A proof of Parisi's conjecture on the random assignment problem
- Gene MURPHY:
Composition factors of the Specht modules for symmetric groups and Hecke algebras of type An
- Martin RUBEY:
Some nice bijections for lattice paths in a region
- Klaas SLOOTEN:
Springer type combinatorics for type B/C Hecke algebras
- Volkmar WELKER:
Polytopal proofs of unimodality
Finally, here is the List of Participants:
- Barnabei Marilena (Bologna)
- Berstel Jean (Marne-la-Vallée)
- Bessenrodt Christine (Hannover)
- Björner Anders (Stockholm)
- Blok Riewert (Roma)
- Bonetti Flavio (Bologna)
- Bousquet-Mélou Mireille (Bordeaux)
- Brändén Petter (Göteborg)
- Brenti Francesco +1 (Roma)
- Caselli Frabizio (Lyon)
- Cochet Charles (Paris 7)
- Conflitti Alessandro (Roma)
- Désarmenien Jacques (Marne-la-vallée)
- Descouens François (Marne-La-Vallée)
- Duchamp Gérard (Rouen)
- Dukes Mark (Roma)
- Dutour Mathieu (Jerusalem)
- Eisenköbl Theresia (Wien)
- Fischer Ilse (Klagenfurt)
- Foata Dominique (Strasbourg)
- Fulmek Markus (Vienna)
- Gaudier Henri (Valenciennes)
- Gill Jonna (Linköping)
- Han Guo-Niu (Strasbourg)
- Hohlweg Christophe (Strasbourg)
- Incitti Frederico (Linköping)
- Jouhet Frederic (Lyon)
- Kim Sungsoon (Paris)
- King Ronald (Southampton) +1
- König Roman (Erlangen)
- Krämer Helmut (Hamburg)
- Krattenthaler Christian (Lyon)
- Lascoux Alain (Marne-la-Vallée)
- Lass Bodo (Lyon)
- Le Borgne Yvan (Bordeaux)
- Leclerc Bernard (Caen)
- Lecouvey Cédric (Caen)
- Linusson Svante (Linköping)
- Luque Jean-Gabriel (Marne-la-Vallée)
- Morris Alun +1 (Aberystwyth)
- Murphy Gene (London)
- Nazarov Maxim (York)
- Novelli Jean-Christophe (Marne-La-Vallée)
- Olsson Jørn B. +1 (Copenhagen)
- Ouchterlony Erik (Linköping)
- Papi Paolo (Roma)
- Penson Karol (Paris)
- Perrin Dominique (Marne-La-Vallée)
- Picon Pierre-Andre (Marne-la-Valléé)
- Pirillo Giuseppe (Firenze)
- Pragacz Piotr (Warszawa)
- Rubey Martin (Bordeaux)
- Sarti Stefano (Bologna)
- Silimbani Matteo (Bologna)
- Slooten Klaas (Marne-la-Vallée)
- Solomon Alan (Paris)
- Steingrímsson Einar (Göteborg)
- Strehl Volker (Erlangen)
- Terada Itaru (Tokyo)
- Thapper Johan (Linköping)
- Thibon Jean-Yves (Marne-la-Vallée)
- Toli Ilia (Pisa)
- Tollu Christophe (Villetaneuse)
- Vaccaro Carmelo (Marne-la-Vallée)
- Viennot Xavier (Bordeaux)
- Welker Volkmar (Marburg)
- Zeng Jiang (Lyon)