Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B41pref (1998), 1
Jacques Désarménien
The 41st session was organized by the university
of Marne La Vallée, and took place at the Domaine Saint-Jacques,
Saint-Nabor, Ottrott, France, from Sunday, March 15, 1998 to Wednesday March
18, 1998.
The list of participants was the following:
- Augsburg: Hachenberger D.,
- Bayreuth: Kerber A., Kohnert A.,
- Caen: Leclerc B., Leidwanger S.,
- Erlangen: Koenig R., Meyn H., Strehl V.,
- Graz: Fripertinger H.,
- Heidelberg: Gropp H.,
- Essen: Fleischmann. P.,
- Linz: Paule P.,
- Marne La Vallee: Berstel J., Desarmenien J., Gauthier B., Perrin D.,
Picon P.-A., Lapointe L., Lascoux A., Morse J.,
Thibon J.-Y., Toumazet F., Ung B.-C.-V.,
- Nancy: Giorgetti A.,
- Poitiers: Van Leeuwen M.,
- Strasbourg: Belaga E., Foata D., Han G., Jouanolou J.-P., Littelmann P.,
- Valenciennes: Gaudier H.,
The main speakers of this session were:
- Peter Paule from Linz, "Hypergeometric sums and multisums: tuning the WZ engine";
- Peter Littelmann from Strasbourg, "Crystals, paths and polytopes".