Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B38pref (1996), 1
Dominique Foata
This Seminaire was held in the memory of
Marcel Paul Schützenberger who passed away on July 29,
1996. Alain Lascoux discussed the last joint work
the two of them had realized.
List of participants:
Daniel Barsky (Paris),
Flavio Bonetti (Bologna),
Jacques Désarmé,nien (Marne-la-Vallée),
Gérard. Duchamp (Rouen),
Isabelle Dutour (Bordeaux),
Dominique Foata (Strasbourg),
Rosamaria Formisano (Napoli),
Joel-Yann Fourré (Paris),
Harald Fripertinger (Graz),
Adriano Garsia (San Diego),
Anna Helversen-Pasotto (Nice),
Jean-Pierre Jouanolou (Strasbourg),
Roman Koenig (Erlangen),
Luc Lapointe (Montréal),
Alain Lascoux (Paris),
Bernard Leclerc (Caen),
Sandrine Leidwanger (Caen),
Marc A.A. van Leeuven (Amsterdam),
Alberto Marini (Milano),
Helmut Meyn (Erlangen),
Jennifer Morse (San Diego),
Peter Paule (Linz),
Dominique Perrin
Pierre-André Picon (Marne-la-Vallée),
Giuseppe Pirillo (Firenze),
Helmut Prodinger (Wien),
Christophe Reutenauer (Montréal),
Thomas Scharf (Bayreuth),
Volker Strehl (Erlangen).
Jean-Yves Thibon (Marne-la-Vallée),
Jiang Zeng (Strasbourg),
Joerg Zipperer (Erlangen),
Sacha Zvonkin (Bordeaux).
This Séminaire took place in
Hotel Belvedere,
Via Valassina, 31
I-22021 Bellagio, Italy
from Sunday October 6, 1996
to Wednesday October 9, 1996.
The following lectures were held:
- A. Lascoux (Paris) "Potentiel Yin sur le groupe symétrique"
- I. Dutour (Bordeaux) "Grammaires d'objets"
- A. Zvonkin (Bordeaux) "Cactus, tresses et polynomes complexes"
- J. Zeng (Strasbourg) "Polynomes d'Euler et Fractions continues de
- D. Foata (Strasbourg) "Marcel-Paul Schützenberger and a Lyndon
Word Calculus"
- B. Leclerc (Caen) and J.-Y. Thibon (Marne) "Algèbres de Lie
affines et combinatoire des partitions"
- A. Garsia (San Diego) "Plethystic formaulas for q,t-Kostka
- H. Prodinger (Wien) "Statistics on heap ordered trees"
- J. Morse (San Diego) "Some Classical expansion for Sahi-Knop and
Macdonald polynomials"
- G. Duchamp (Rouen) "Une application inattendue de la théorie
des séries
non-commutatives de Schützenberger"
- H. Fripertinger (Graz) "The cycle indexes of the symmetry group of
- M. A.A. van Leeuven (Amsterdam) "Algorithmic constructions involving
domino tableaux"
- L. Lapointe (Montreal) "Formules de Pieri et opérateurs de
création pour les polynomes de Macdonald".