Volker Strehl, Roman König
The 35th meeting of the Séminaire Lotharingien
de Combinatoire was held from October 4 - 6, 1995 at the
Landvolkshochschule Hesselberg, close to
Gerolfingen in the southwest of Franconia,
about halfway between Nürnberg and Stuttgart.
We were happy to welcome about 50 participants
who enjoyed the by now traditional place for our
meetings organized by the Erlangen colleagues.
There were two invited lecturers who
presented a two-hour survey talk each:
- V. Bruyère (Mons)
- Automates et systèmes de numération
- B. Sagan(East Lansing)
- Why the characteristic polynomial factors
The following were the talks contributed by participants:
- R. Clarke (Adelaide/Strasbourg)
- Some new permutation statistics
- T. Grüner (Bayreuth)
- Fast construction of discrete structures
- G. Jones (Southampton)
- Dessins d'enfants: bipartite maps and Galois groups
- J.-P. Jouanolou (Strasbourg)
- Über einige Anwendungen der Resultantentheorie in der
- M. Klin (Beer-Sheva)
- Construction of new strongly regular graphs on 120 and 210
vertices: an exercise for the computer package COCO
- G. Kreweras (Paris)
- Cycles hamiltoniens et couplages dans l'hypercube
- K. Leeb (Erlangen)
- Die Klassifikation aller Komplementierungen
- P. Moszkowski(Paris)
- Combinatoire des mots dans les groupes de Coxeter
- F. Patras (Nice)
- Le calcul de Schubert des permutations décomposables
- G. Pirillo (Firenze)
- Sturmian words
- J. Riguet (Paris)
- Exact components of a relation
- M. Schlosser (Wien)
- Multidimensional matrix inversions
- S. Svrtan (Zagreb)
- Inversion of Gram matrices
- A. Wassermann (Bayreuth)
- Finding simple t-designs with enumeration techniques
- T. Welsh (Southampton/Bayreuth)
- Two-rowed representations of Hecke algebras at roots of