Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 86B.31 (2022), 12 pp.

Matteo Parisi, Melissa Sherman-Bennett and Lauren Williams

The m=2 Amplituhedron and the Hypersimplex

Abstract. The hypersimplex Δk+1,n is the image of the positive Grassmannian Gr≥0k+1,n under the moment map. It is a polytope of dimension n-1 in Rn. Meanwhile, the amplituhedron A is the image of Gr≥0k,n under an amplituhedron map Z~ induced by a positive matrix Z. Introduced in the context of scattering amplitudes, it is not a polytope, and is a full dimensional subset of Grk,k+2. Nevertheless, there seem to be remarkable connections between these two objects, as conjectured by Lukowski-Parisi-Williams (LPW). We use ideas from oriented matroid theory, total positivity, and the geometry of the hypersimplex and positroid polytopes to obtain a deeper understanding of the amplituhedron. We show that the inequalities cutting out positroid polytopes - moment map images of positroid cells - translate into sign conditions cutting out Grasstopes - amplituhedron map images of positroid cells. Moreover, we subdivide the amplituhedron into chambers, just as the hypersimplex can be subdivided into simplices - with both chambers and simplices enumerated by the Eulerian numbers. We use these properties to prove the main conjecture of (LPW): a collection of positroid polytopes is a tiling of the hypersimplex if and only if the collection of T-dual Grasstopes is a tiling of the amplituhedron A for allZ. We also prove Arkani-Hamed-Thomas-Trnka's conjectural sign-flip characterization of A.

Received: November 25, 2021. Accepted: March 4, 2022. Final version: April 1, 2022.

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