Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 84B.56 (2020), 12 pp.

Brendon Rhoades and Andrew Timothy Wilson

Vandermondes, Superspace, and Delta Conjecture Modules

Abstract. Superspace is an algebra Ωn with n commuting generators x1, ..., xn and n anticommuting generators θ1, ..., θn. We present an extension δn,k of the Vandermonde determinant to Ωn which depends on positive integers k <= n. We use superspace Vandermondes to build representations of the symmetric group Sn. In particular, we construct a doubly graded Sn-module Vn,k whose bigraded Frobenius grFrob(Vn,k;q,t) conjecturally equals the symmetric function Δ'ek-1en appearing in the Haglund-Remmel-Wilson Delta Conjecture. We prove the specialization of our conjecture at t=0. We use a differentiation action of Ωn on itself to build bigraded quotients Wn,k of Ωn which extend the Delta Conjecture coinvariant rings Rn,k defined by Haglund-Rhoades-Shimozono and studied geometrically by Pawlowski-Rhoades. Despite the fact that the Hilbert polynomials of the Rn,k are not palindromic, we show that Wn,k exhibits a superspace version of Poincaré Duality.

Received: November 20, 2019. Accepted: February 20, 2020. Final version: April 30, 2020.

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