Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B80Bpref (2018), 1 p.

Éric Fusy, Caroline Klivans and Mike Zabrocki


FPSAC 2018 was held at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, on July 16-20, 2018.

It was our great pleasure to serve as program chairs for FPSAC 2018. We thank the program committee for their hard work selecting from the many outstanding contributions. We offer a special thank you to Apoorva Khare for compiling the abstracts for this volume. We also thank the presenters for their excellent talks, posters, and demonstrations. The conference showcased an impressive array of combinatorial research and the organizing committee provided an ideal backdrop for our community to meet and exchange ideas.

This conference was financially supported by the National Science Foundation and by a generous gift from Dartmouth Conferences by Fannie and Alan Leslie.

Organizing committee

Program committee