Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Issue 30

8 - 10 February 1993, Hesselberg, Mittelfranken


[B30a] Christian Krattenthaler
HYP and HYPQ. Mathematica Packages for the Manipulation of Binomial Sums and Hypergeometric Series Respectively q-Binomial Sums and Basic Hypergeometric Series (16 pp.)
[B30b] Helmut Prodinger
Combinatorial Problems Related to Geometrically Distributed Random Variables (9 pp.)
[B30c] J.-P. Allouche
Finite Automata and Arithmetic (23 pp.)
[B30d] Wen Zhi-Xiong, Wen Zhi-Ying
Some Properties of the Singular Words of the Fibonacci Word (14 pp.)
[B30e] Peter Grabner
A Note on the Parity of the Sum-of-Digits Function (8 pp.)
[B30f] Arthur Randrianarivony and Jiang Zeng
Sur une extension des nombres d'Euler et les records des permutations (14 pp.)
[B30g] Serge Dulucq, Sophie Gire, Olivier Guibert and Julian West
Enumération de permutations à motifs exclus (11 pp.)
[B30h] Don Rawlings
Probabilistic Interpretations of q-Analogues (4 pp.)
[B30i] Dietrich Gernert
Partial Proofs of Thomassen's Conjecture (6 pp.)
[B30j] François Jaeger
Modules à spin, invariants d'entrelacs, et schemas d'association (18 pp.)
[B30k] Giuseppe Pirillo
Fibonacci Numbers and Words (10 pp.)