Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Issue 28

15-18 March 1992, Saint-Nabor, Ottrott


[B28a] Ian Grant Macdonald
Schur Functions: Theme and Variations (35 pp.)
[B28b] Christian Radoux
Déterminants de Hankel et théorème de Sylvester (9 pp.)
[B28c] Andreas Dress and Christian Siebeneicher
On the Integrality of the Witt Polynomials (7 pp.)
[B28d] Henri Gaudier
Matrices et Tableaux Semi-Standard (6 pp.)
[B28e] Laszlo A. Székely, Pál L. Erdős and M. A. Steel
The Combinatorics of Evolutionary Trees - a Survey (15 pp.)
[B28f] Wenchang Chu
A New Proof for a Terminating "Strange" Hypergeometric Evaluation of Gasper and Rahman Conjectured by Gosper
[B28g] Anne de Médicis and Xavier G. Viennot
Moments des q-polynômes de Laguerre et la bijection de Foata-Zeilberger
[B28h] Dennis Stanton
Specializations of Generalized Laguerre Polynomials
[B28i] Serge Dulucq
Un q-analogue des polynômes de Bessel (3 pp.)
[B28j] Anna Helversen-Pasotto
Über Identitäten von Charaktersummen (8 pp.)
[B28k] Pierre-André Picon
Integrité de certains produits-quotients de factorielles (6 pp.)