Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

Issue 16

11 - 14 mars 1987, Liebfrauenberg, Goersdorf


[B16a] Dominique Foata and Doron Zeilberger
Linearization coefficients for the Jacobi polynomials (14 pp)
[B16b] Arnold Richard Kräuter
Einige Bemerkungen über die Lösungen der Gleichung per(zI - A) = 0 (10 pp)
[B16c] Norma Zagaglia-Salvi
On the Point-Distinguishing Chromatic Index of Kn,n
[B16d] Daniel I. A. Cohen and Victor S. Miller
On the Four Color Problem (68 pp)
[B16e] Daniel I. A. Cohen and Victor S. Miller
Obtaining Generating Functions from Ordered-Partition Recurrence Formulas (10 pp)
[B16f] Jacques Labelle and Yeong Nan Yeh
A Combinatorial Model for Hahn Polynomials (10 pp)
[B16g] Luigi Azzena and Francesco Piras
The Duality between Incidence Algebras and Coalgebras. A Few Remarks (14 pp)
[B16h] Giuseppe Pirillo
On ω-Ramseyan Semigroups (4 pp)
[B16i] Giuseppe Pirillo
Su alcune proprietà del semigruppi finiti (2 pp)
[B16j] Volker Strehl
Anmerkungen zu einer Anzahlformel von G. Kreweras für numerierte Wurzelbäume (4 pp)
[B16k] Walter Wenzel
The Tutte-Group of a Matroid (3 pp)