Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B14d (1986), 24 pp.
[Formerly: Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1986, 323/S-14, p.
Michael Clausen
Kombinatorische Strukturen in Polynomringen
The ring of polynomials over Z in the indetrminates
Xi,j, i,j ∈ N, has a Z-basis
of so-called standard bideterminants. Bideterminants are power
products of minors of the matrix (Xi,j).
This basis was perhaps first given by MEAD, but was probably not
unknown to TURNBALL and HODGE. It became really widely known by the
articles of ROTA and coworkkers. Numerous research programs around
this basis were proposed. In the meantime, some of them have been
taken up. Given the diversity of applications, it is the more
surprising that the whole theory - from the point of view of
techniques of proofs - is in principle built on two methods:
- LapIace-Entwicklungen;
- Capelli-Operatoren.
These methods have already been discussd extensively.
Nevertheless, we revisit these methpds here, because
the combinatorial and group-theoretic background became more
and more apparent and caught more and more attention during the past
few years.
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