Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B11b (1984), 11 pp.
[Formerly: Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1985, 266/S-11, p. 82-94.]

Arnold Richard Kräuter

Über die Permanente gewisser zirkulanter Matrizen und damit zusammenhängender Toeplitz-Matrizen

Abstract. In the introductory section, a discussion of two applications of the permanent of circulant (0,1) matrices to classical enumeration problems is given, followed by a short survey of the hitherto published literature on the topic mentioned in the title in the case of (0,1) matrices. As to the analogous problem for (1,-1) matrices, we announce a couple of recent results, where special attention is given to the presentation of the methods needed to establish them. By the way, one of these methods gives rise to a new proof of Touchard's forumula for the reduced ménage numbers.

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