Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B05a (1981), 29
[Formerly: Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1982, 182/S-04, p.
Johann Cigler
Elementare q-Identitäten
English Abstract.
We survey some simple q-identities without making use of partition
theory or Heine series. Our approach emphasizes the analogy with classical
analysis and, as much as possible, we try to motivate our developments
by starting with
the most important classical formulas. To elucidate the fundamental ideas, we restrict
ourselves to characteristic ``normal cases" and emphasize aspects, that
appear to be typical. In particular, we treat q-Hermite and q-Laguerre
polynomials by our approach. I hope that the presentation chosen here
contributes to making the theory simpler and more transparent.
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