Math 231 U1 Spring 2016
10:00-10:50 MWF, 40 Allen Hall

Website. For weekly announcements as well as hand outs (worksheets,quizzes,etc.) click here.

Description. This is a Calculus II class. That is the second in a three semester calculus sequence. Here is the official department syllabus.

Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos
panagio2 at

Office hours. 11-12 MF, 40 Allen Hall.

Tutoring room. Besides my office hours, you can reach for TA help at the tutoring room. The tutoring room hours are Monday/Wednesday 4-8pm and Tuesday/Thursday 5-9pm at 239 Altgelt Hall.

Textbook. Calculus: Early Transcendentals (with enhanced WebAssign), 7th ed. by James Stewart.

Attendance. Daily attendance is expected. You are allowed 3 unexcused absences; every subsequent absence will decrease your final grade by 1/3 of a letter (e.g. a 'B' will decrease to a 'B-').

Homework. Homework is worth 10% of your grade. It will be assigned, completed, and graded through WebAssign (see below). I will drop your four lowest homework scores. Homework will be assigned usually on Thursday night and will be due Friday 3AM (or Thursday night if you prefer) a week from the day it was assigned.

Webassign. You will need to purchase an access code (see here for purchasing options). Once purchased you can login to WebAssign ( with your NetID and Active Directory password. If you have any problems with your registration, please contact WebAssign Student Support (

Calculators. Calculators will not be allowed on quizzes/tests, neither will they be necessary for homework/worksheet problems. However, a graphing calculator can be a huge help on homework problems, especially when visualizing graphs of functions. I suggest that, if you don't have a good graphing calculator, you learn to use wolfram|alpha to assist with certain homework problems. Of course, you should know how to do every problem without the assistance of a computer or calculator, otherwise you may not do well on the exams.

Worksheets. Each week we will have at least one in-class group worksheet, to be turned in for credit. I will grade one worksheet per group (randomly selected each time). Worksheets are worth 5% of your total grade.

Quizzes. We will have approximately 8 in-class, 10-20 minute quizzes throughout the semester, to be completed individually. Your top 6 quiz scores will make up 10% of your final grade.

Exams. Your total exam score accounts for 50% of your grade. There will be three 50-minute in-class exams. Your lowest exam score will count toward 10%, while the other two exams will count toward 20% each. The schedule for exams is:
Exam 1: Monday, 15 February 2016, 10:00-10:50am ( §7.1-§7.5 and §7.8)
Exam 2: Monday, 14 March 2016, 10:00-10:50am (§7.7, §8.1-§8.3 and §11.1-§11.4)
Exam 3: Monday, 18 April 2016, 10:00-10:50am (Chapter 11)

Final exam. Thursday, 12 May 2016, 8:00 - 11:00 am, (everything)

The total number of points possible is 1000, broken up into:
Homework 100 pts (drop lowest four scores)
Worksheets 50 pts
Quizzes 100 pts (drop lowest two scores)
Exams 500 pts (top two: 200 pts, lowest: 100 pts)
Final Exam 250 pts
The grading scale will be no worse than
[ A+ ] 967-1000 [ A ] 933-966 [ A- ] 900-932
[ B+ ] 867-899 [ B ] 833-866 [ B- ] 800-832
[ C+ ] 767-799 [ C ] 733-766 [ C- ] 700-732
[ D+ ] 667-699 [ D ] 633-666 [ D- ] 600-632
[ F ] 0-599

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