Anastasia Molchanova
I am currently an
Elise Richter fellow
at the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing at TU Wien
with my project
“Global and Local Behavior of Deformations”.
Download CV .
My research is primarily concerned with analysis — especially functional and quasiconformal analysis, as well as with calculus of variations and its application in materials science.
I am also interested in geometric measure theory, control theory, sub-Riemannian geometry, and PDEs. After completing my Ph.D.-thesis on quasiconformal analysis, I am carrying out my research at the interface between these fields and binding them up together.
Besides research, I am a member of the Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics (A²WiM).
You can meet me at
Vienna Geometric Analysis Seminar, University of Vienna, second Wednesday of every month at 11:30-13:00;
Workshop “Analysis and PDE”, KAUST, Saudi Arabia, April 7 - 10, 2025;
Spring School on Analysis 2025, Charles University & Czech Technical University, Paseky, June 1 - 7, 2025.