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Highlights of 1999 and 2000

At the beginning of June 2000 the Editorial Board of Classical and Quantum Gravity nominated their personal highlights in the journal over the past year. We are delighted to offer these here as a taster of the full content of the journal.

This individual and eclectic selection is intended not as a list of the 'best' articles, but as an interesting and stimulating reading list. Articles were selected for many reasons; some contain outstanding research and breakthroughs while others are valuable reviews of the field. Some have an especially clear exposition and are beautifully presented; others are instructive containing results and tools useful to many readers. A few are controversial and have provoked discussion and further investigation.

On behalf of the Editorial Board I hope you enjoy reading these articles, including those outside your direct field of research. Further information on how to read, write for or subscribe to Classical and Quantum Gravity can be found on the journal's home page or you can e-mail us at

Andrew Wray, Publisher

MILLENNIUM ISSUE - No. 12A December 1999 supplement

This special issue presented invited articles by some of those researchers who have made key contributions to our understanding of gravity in recent decades. The papers are intended both to set recent progress in context, but also to influence and stimulate new work in gravitational physics. The Editorial Board praised all the articles in the issue and it is only possible to recommend a starting point: the paper "83 years of general relativity and cosmology: progress and problems" by G F R Ellis, 16 A37 (1999)

R1  Coalescing binary neutron stars
Frederic A Rasio and Stuart L Shapiro  16 No. 6 (June 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

R31  Self-similarity in general relativity
B J Carr and A A Coley  16 No. 7 (July 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

R73  On local and global aspects of the Cauchy problem in general relativity
S Klainerman and F Nicolo  16 No. 8 (August 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

R159  Quasinormal modes: the characteristic `sound' of black holes and neutron stars
Hans-Peter Nollert  16 No. 12 (December 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

L1  Isolated horizons: a generalization of black hole mechanics
Abhay Ashtekar, Christopher Beetle and Stephen Fairhurst  16 No. 2 (February 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript  |  HTML

L9  Scalar fields as dark matter in spiral galaxies
F Siddhartha Guzmán and Tonatiuh Matos  17 No. 1 (7 January 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript  |  HTML

L17  Asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes: conserved quantities
Abhay Ashtekar and Saurya Das  17 No. 2 (21 January 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript  |  HTML

L31  The second law of thermodynamics, TCP and Einstein causality in anti-de Sitter spacetime
Detlev Buchholz, Martin Florig and Stephen J Summers  17 No. 2 (21 January 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript  |  HTML

L39  Separable brane cosmologies in heterotic M-theory
James E Lidsey  17 No. 2 (21 January 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript  |  HTML

979  Dissipative fluid dynamics in the 3 + 1 formalism
Jochen Peitz and Stefan Appl  16 No. 3 (March 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

1255  A note on the Penrose junction conditions
Michael Kunzinger and Roland Steinbauer  16 No. 4 (April 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

1313  Size of a hydrogen atom in the expanding universe
W B Bonnor  16 No. 4 (April 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

1667  Rotating perfect fluid sources of the NUT metric
Michael Bradley, Gyula Fodor, László Á Gergely, Mattias Marklund and Zoltán Perjés  16 No. 6 (June 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

1677  Some comments on gravitational entropy and the inverse mean curvature flow
G W Gibbons  16 No. 6 (June 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

1705  Dynamics of spatially homogeneous solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov equations which are locally rotationally symmetric
A D Rendall and K P Tod  16 No. 6 (June 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

2043  On the supersymmetries of anti-de Sitter vacua
J M Figueroa-O'Farrill  16 No. 6 (June 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

2335  The 0-brane action in a general D = 4 supergravity background
Marco Billó, Sergio Cacciatori, Frederik Denef, Pietro Fré, Antoine Van Proeyen and Daniela Zanon  16 No. 7 (July 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

2651  Functional evolution of free quantum fields
Charles G Torre and Madhavan Varadarajan  16 No. 8 (August 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

3095  The anti-de Sitter Gott universe: a rotating BTZ wormhole
Sören Holst and Hans-Jürgen Matschull  16 No. 9 (October 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

3263  Quantum gravity as a dissipative deterministic system
Gerard 't Hooft  16 No. 9 (October 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

3327  Entropy from conformal field theory at Killing horizons
S Carlip  16 No. 9 (October 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

3599  Smearing of chaos in sandwich pp -waves
J Podolskýand K Veselý  16 No. 11 (November 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

3693  Quantum effects in the presence of expanding semi-transparent spherical mirrors
V Frolov and D Singh  16 No. 11 (November 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

3835  Large fluctuations in the horizon area and what they can tell us about entropy and quantum gravity
Rafael D Sorkin and Daniel Sudarsky  16 No. 12 (December 1999)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

253  Mechanics of isolated horizons
Abhay Ashtekar, Christopher Beetle and Stephen Fairhurst  17 No. 2 (21 January 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

435  Adaptive mesh refinement approach to the construction of initial data for black hole collisions
Peter Diener, Nina Jansen, Alexei Khokhlov and Igor Novikov  17 No. 2 (21 January 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

713  Curvature blow up in Bianchi VIII and IX vacuum spacetimes
H Ringström  17 No. 4 (21 February 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

733  Ultrarelativistic fluid dynamics
David W Neilsen and Matthew W Choptuik  17 No. 4 (21 February 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

1299  String theory and non-commutative gauge theory
Edward Witten  17 No. 5 (7 March 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

1383  Higher-spin current multiplets in operator-product expansions
Damiano Anselmi  17 No. 6 (21 March 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

1713  Curved branes from string dualities
G Papadopoulos, J G Russo and A A Tseytlin  17 No. 7 (7 April 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

1749  Gravitational waves, black holes and cosmic strings in cylindrical symmetry
Sean A Hayward  17 No. 8 (21 April 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

1897  A general worldline quantum inequality
Christopher J Fewster  17 No. 9 (7 May 2000)
Abstract  |  References Full text:  Acrobat PDF  |  PostScript

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