R1 |
Coalescing binary neutron stars Frederic A Rasio
and Stuart L Shapiro 16 No. 6 (June 1999)
R31 |
Self-similarity in general relativity B J Carr and
A A Coley 16 No. 7 (July 1999)
R73 |
On local and global aspects of the Cauchy problem in general
relativity S Klainerman and F
Nicolo 16 No. 8 (August 1999)
R159 |
Quasinormal modes: the characteristic `sound' of black holes
and neutron stars Hans-Peter
Nollert 16 No. 12 (December 1999)
L1 |
Isolated horizons: a generalization of black hole
mechanics Abhay Ashtekar, Christopher Beetle and Stephen
Fairhurst 16 No. 2 (February 1999)
L9 |
Scalar fields as dark matter in spiral galaxies F
Siddhartha Guzmán and Tonatiuh
Matos 17 No. 1 (7 January 2000)
L17 |
Asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes: conserved
quantities Abhay Ashtekar and Saurya
Das 17 No. 2 (21 January 2000)
L31 |
The second law of thermodynamics, TCP and Einstein causality
in anti-de Sitter spacetime Detlev Buchholz, Martin Florig
and Stephen J Summers 17 No. 2 (21
January 2000)
L39 |
Separable brane cosmologies in heterotic
M-theory James E Lidsey 17 No.
2 (21 January 2000)
979 |
Dissipative fluid dynamics in the 3 + 1
formalism Jochen Peitz and Stefan
Appl 16 No. 3 (March 1999)
1255 |
A note on the Penrose junction conditions Michael
Kunzinger and Roland Steinbauer 16 No. 4
(April 1999)
1313 |
Size of a hydrogen atom in the expanding universe W
B Bonnor 16 No. 4 (April 1999)
1667 |
Rotating perfect fluid sources of the NUT
metric Michael Bradley, Gyula Fodor, László Á Gergely,
Mattias Marklund and Zoltán Perjés 16 No.
6 (June 1999)
1677 |
Some comments on gravitational entropy and the inverse mean
curvature flow G W
Gibbons 16 No. 6 (June 1999)
1705 |
Dynamics of spatially homogeneous solutions of the
Einstein-Vlasov equations which are locally rotationally
symmetric A D Rendall and K P
Tod 16 No. 6 (June 1999)
2043 |
On the supersymmetries of anti-de Sitter vacua J M
Figueroa-O'Farrill 16 No. 6 (June 1999)
2335 |
The 0-brane action in a general D = 4 supergravity
background Marco Billó, Sergio Cacciatori, Frederik Denef,
Pietro Fré, Antoine Van Proeyen and Daniela
Zanon 16 No. 7 (July 1999)
2651 |
Functional evolution of free quantum fields Charles
G Torre and Madhavan Varadarajan 16 No. 8
(August 1999)
3095 |
The anti-de Sitter Gott universe: a rotating BTZ
wormhole Sören Holst and Hans-Jürgen
Matschull 16 No. 9 (October 1999)
3263 |
Quantum gravity as a dissipative deterministic
system Gerard 't Hooft 16 No. 9
(October 1999)
3327 |
Entropy from conformal field theory at Killing
horizons S Carlip 16 No. 9
(October 1999)
3599 |
Smearing of chaos in sandwich pp -waves J
Podolskýand K Veselý 16 No. 11 (November
3693 |
Quantum effects in the presence of expanding semi-transparent
spherical mirrors V Frolov and D
Singh 16 No. 11 (November 1999)
3835 |
Large fluctuations in the horizon area and what they can tell
us about entropy and quantum gravity Rafael D Sorkin and
Daniel Sudarsky 16 No. 12 (December 1999)
253 |
Mechanics of isolated horizons Abhay Ashtekar,
Christopher Beetle and Stephen
Fairhurst 17 No. 2 (21 January 2000)
435 |
Adaptive mesh refinement approach to the construction of
initial data for black hole collisions Peter Diener, Nina
Jansen, Alexei Khokhlov and Igor
Novikov 17 No. 2 (21 January 2000)
713 |
Curvature blow up in Bianchi VIII and IX vacuum
spacetimes H Ringström 17 No. 4
(21 February 2000)
733 |
Ultrarelativistic fluid dynamics David W Neilsen
and Matthew W Choptuik 17 No. 4 (21
February 2000)
1299 |
String theory and non-commutative gauge
theory Edward Witten 17 No. 5
(7 March 2000)
1383 |
Higher-spin current multiplets in operator-product
expansions Damiano
Anselmi 17 No. 6 (21 March 2000)
1713 |
Curved branes from string dualities G Papadopoulos,
J G Russo and A A Tseytlin 17 No. 7 (7
April 2000)
1749 |
Gravitational waves, black holes and cosmic strings in
cylindrical symmetry Sean A
Hayward 17 No. 8 (21 April 2000)
1897 |
A general worldline quantum inequality Christopher
J Fewster 17 No. 9 (7 May 2000)