Course Text: Calculus, Single Variable, fourth edition, by D. Hughes-Hallett et al.
Matthias Aschenbrenner
E-mail address:
Office: 417
Office Phone: (312) 413-3150
Office Hours: M 9-10, T
3-4, W 9-10
Central webpage for this class: Math 181
assistant: Phil Grizzard, e-mail address:
Discussion section: TuTh 11-11:50am, 305
Taft Hall
Math Lab: On TuTh 9am-2:50pm
there will be someone in the Math Lab
Taft Hall) who can answer Math 181 questions.
Calculator: Use of a graphing calculator will be an integral part of the course. Instructors will be using the TI 83. Any graphing calculator you now own should be adequate.
Prerequisites: Membership in the Honors College. Students who do not satisfy these prerequisites will be dropped.
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We will cover the following material:
Week Sections Brief description
1 6.1 -- 6.3
relations between derivative and integral,
2 6.4 -- 7.1
2nd Fundamental Theorem, motion, integration by
3 7.1 -- 7.2 integration by parts
4 7.3 -- 7.5
integral tables, trigonometric substitution, approximations
5 7.6 -- 7.7
approximation errors, improper integrals
6 8.1 -- 8.3
applications of the definite integral to geometry
7 8.6 -- 8.8
applications: economics; distributions and
8 9.1 -- 9.2 sequences, geometric series
9 9.3 -- 9.5
convergence, convergence tests, power series
10 App.
complex numbers
11 10.1 -- 10.2 Taylor series
12 10.3 -- 10.5
convergence of Taylor series, Fourier series
13 11.1, 11.2, 11.4
differential equations, slope fields, separation of variables
14 11.5
growth and decay
15 11.6
applications and modeling; review for
final exam
Click here to download the course information handout.
Homework problems will be collected
at the beginning of each lecture.
No late homework will be accepted.
Put the following information in the upper right hand corner of the first page:
Your Name
Math 181, Homework
for month/day.
On each additional page, put your name in the upper right-hand corner. Work single-sided, that is, write on only one side of each sheet of paper. STAPLE any homework that is more than one page long. Remove all perforation before submitting.
Below you find a list of assignments with date, text sections to be read for the lecture on that date, and problems to be turned in during that day's lecture. The problems and sections are numbered according to the 4th ed. of the textbook; if the numbering in the 3rd. and 4th ed. differs, the number of the corresponding section or problem in the 3rd ed. follows in parantheses.
Date Section(s) Problems/Comments08/22 6.1
08/24 6.2 6.1 #6, 12, 16;
08/26 6.3 6.2 #4, 8, 10, 31, 50 [51], 56 [57], 58 [59];08/29 6.4
08/31 6.5 6.3 #8, 14, 18;
09/02 7.1 6.4 #7 [6], 15 [14], 21 [20], 34 [24];09/05 Labor Day holiday. (no classes)
09/07 7.1 7.1 #25 [22], 38 [36], 50 [46], 60 [56]
09/09 7.2 7.2 #8 [6], 11 [10], 1809/12 7.3 7.3 #4, 16 [14], 21 [18], 23 [20]
09/14 7.4 7.4 #11 [16], 15 [20], 17 [22], 21 [24]
09/16 7.5 7.5 #4, 15 [18], 23 [26], 25 [28]09/19 7.6 7.6 #4, 5, 6
09/21 7.7
09/23 First hour exam: Chapters 6 and 7;
Suggested review problems:
Chapter 6, #3-52 [1-50], 60-69 [52-61];
Chapter 7, #1-104 [1-114], 121-132 [115-126], 156 [146].09/26 7.7
09/28 7.8 7.7, #8, 12, 16
09/30 8.1 7.8, #4, 8, 16, 24
10/03 8.2
10/05 8.4 [8.3] 8.1, #1, 3, 6, 8, 10; 8.2, #4, 9 [8]
10/07 8.7 [8.6] 8.2, #16 [14], 20 [18]; 8.4, [8.3] #6, 8, 10, 1410/10 8.8 [8.7] 8.7 [8.6], #20; 8.8 [8.7], #5, 8, 9
10/12 9.1 9.1, #1, 13, 14, 40, 52;
10/14 9.2 [9.1] 9.1, #20, 22, 26, 28; 9.2 [9.1], #19 [16], 20 [17], 31 [26]
(The material in 9.1 of the 4th ed. does not appear in the 3rd. ed.
The problems for 10/12 and 10/14 from 9.1 refer to the 4th ed.
I handed out copies of this chapter on 10/17.)
10/17 9.3
10/19 9.4 9.3, #10, 12, 16, 18 [9.2, #15, 18, 13, 19]
9.4, #6, 10, 14, 20 [9.3, #5, 12, 15, 17]
10/21 9.5 9.4, #52, 53 [9.3, #27, 28]
9.5, #12, 16, 18, 22 [9.4, #12, 16, 18, 22]10/24 9.5 9.5, #23, 28, 29, 32 [9.4, #23-26]
10/28 Second hour exam: 7.7, 7.8, and Chapters 8 & 9;
Suggested review problems:
Chapter 7, #133-146 [#127-140]
Chapter 8, #1-22, 41-42 [#1-11, 17-18]
Chapter 9, #1-53 [#1-15, 24]
(Also, try to do as many problems from 7.7, 7.8, and from the sections
in Chapters 8 & 9 that we covered.)10/31 App. B [App. C]
11/02 10.1 App. B, #2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 29, 38, 42
[App. C, #2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 29, 38, 42]
11/04 10.2 10.1, #2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 22, 26 [10.1, #1, 7, 8, 12, 14, 19, 22]11/07 10.3
11/09 10.4 10.2, #8, 10, 14, 16, 18, 22, 44 [10.2, #4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18, 40]
10.3, #2, 4, 6, 26, 27 [10.3, #2, 5, 8, 19, 20]
11/11 10.5 10.4, #5, 6, 19 [10.4, #2, 3, 15]
10.5, #6, 811/14 11.1
11/16 11.2 10.5, #11
11.1, #6, 8, 10, 14 [11.1, #4, 5, 10, 13]
11.2, #4, 8, 10 [11.2, #6, 8, 10]
11/18 11.3 11.3, #2, 6 [11.3, #3, 6]11/21 11.4 11.4, #2, 4, 6, 8, 30, 32, 34 [11.4, #1, 3, 4, 8, 29, 31, 34]
11/23 11.5 11.5, #6, 8 [11.5, #3, 9]
last day for resolving final exam conflicts.
11/25 Thanksgiving Holiday. (no classes)11/28 11.6
11/30 11.6, #7, 8 [11.6, #5, 13]
12/02 Review for final
No makeup quizzes will be given.
hour exams, given in class, on 09/23
and 10/28.
No quizzes
during weeks of hour exams.
Final exam: Thursday, 12/08/05, 8:00-10:00am, in 512 SEO.
Except in the case of emergency, students must discuss absences from hour exams with me in advance of the exam. Students with final examinations which conflict with the Math 180 final examation are responsible for discussing a makeup examination with me no later than 11/23.
Students are expected to be thoroughly familiar with the University's policy on academic integrity. The University has instituted serious penalties for academic dishonesty.
Copying work to be submitted for grade, or allowing your work to be submitted for grade to be copied, is considered academic dishonesty.
It is University policy that students with disabilities who require accommodations for access and participation in this course must be registered with the Office of Disability Services.
Do not use this form to address personal concerns. All other matters specific to your situation (for example, your performance in the class) should be sent by usual e-mail.
Your submission may remain anonymous, but please provide your name and e-mail address if you would like a personal response. Please indicate whether I may publish your question and my response to it on this webpage.
Click here for a brief history of calculus, and below to learn more about some of our calculus heroes:
of Syracuse
Louis Cauchy
de Fermat
de l'Hopital
Wilhelm von Leibniz
Isaac Newton
Last modified 11/28/05.