Programme of the 9-th International Conference on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics"

MONDAY, July 14, Institut für Mathematik, Strudlhofgasse 4, Hörsaal 1

8.00-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.50 Masaki KASHIWARA: Crystal bases of affine quantum groups
----------- Coffee break
10.30-10.55 David K. MASLEN: The computation of Fourier transforms on the symmetric group
11.05-11.30 Daniel KROB* and Jean-Yves THIBON: A crystalizable version of Uq(glN)
11.40-12.05 Brian TAYLOR: Straightening laws for row-convex tableaux
----------- Lunch
14.00-14.50 Jonathan BORWEIN: Three adventures: Symbolically discovered identities for zeta(4n+3) and like matters
----------- Coffee break
15.30-15.55 Sergei ABRAMOV: Solutions of linear differential equations in the class of sparse power series
16.05-16.30 Frédéric CHYZAK: An extension of Zeilberger's fast algorithm to general holonomic functions
16.40-17.05 Nicolas MAGOT and Alexander ZVONKIN*: Belyi functions for Archimedian solids

Institut für Mathematik, Strudlhofgasse 4, corridors


Didier ARQUÈS and Alain GIORGETTI*: Une bijection géométrique entre une famille d'hypercartes et une famille de polygones énumérées par la série de Schröder
Elena BARCUCCI*, Alberto DEL LUNGO, Elisa PERGOLA: Permutations with one forbidden subsequence of increasing lenght
Alberto DEL LUNGO*, F. DEL RISTORO and J. G. PENAUD: Left ternary trees and nonseparable planar maps
Alain DENISE*, Christoph DÜRR and Fouad IBN-MAJDOUB-HASSANI: Énumération et génération aléatoire de polyominos convexes en réseau hexagonal
Olivier GUIBERT* and Svante LINUSSON: Doubly alternating Baxter permutations are Catalan
James HAGLUND*, Ken ONO and David WAGNER: Theorems and conjectures involving rook polynomials with real roots
Gabor HETYEI* and Ethan REINER: Permutation trees and variation statistics
Darla KREMER: A bijection between intervals in the Fibonacci posets
Gilbert LABELLE: Counting enriched multigraphs according to their number of edges (arcs)
Michel PETITOT* and Hoang Ngoc MINH: Mots de Lyndon: générateur de relations entre les polylogarithmes de Nielsen

Universität Wien, Main Building, Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1, Kleiner Festsaal

Bruce SAGAN (violin) and Christian KRATTENTHALER (piano)
Works by Beethoven, Schubert, and Dvorák

TUESDAY, July 15, Institut für Mathematik, Strudlhofgasse 4, Hörsaal 1

9.00-9.50 Rodica SIMION: Noncrossing partitions
----------- Coffee break
10.30-10.55 Robert CORI, Benjamin JACQUARD and Gilles SCHAEFFER*: Description trees for some families of planar maps
11.05-11.30 Miklos BONA: P-recursiveness for pattern avoidance
11.40-12.05 Richard BRAK: Osculating lattice paths and alternating sign matrices
----------- Lunch
14.00-14.50 Michel MENDES-FRANCE: The ultra divergent series \sum_{n=0^{\infty}{1\over 0^{2^n}}}
----------- Coffee break
15.30-15.55 E. Rodney CANFIELD, Sylvie CORTEEL* and Carla D. SAVAGE: Durfee polynomials
16.05-16.30 Stephen C. MILNE: New infinite families of exact sums of squares formulas, Jacobi elliptic functions, and Ramanujan's tau function
16.40-17.05 Philippe JACQUET* and Wojciech SZPANKOWSKI: Analytical depoissonization and its applications to combinatorics and analysis of algorithms


18.00-18.25 Christophe CARRÉ and Sébastien VEIGNEAU*: HUB, un concentrateur de ressources distribuées en combinatoire algébrique
18.35-19.00 Jürgen RICHTER-GEBERT and Ulrich KORTENKAMP*: Cinderella's Café - Interactive geometry on your computer
19.10-19.35 Bruno SALVY: The combinatorics library of the project `algorithms' at INRIA
19.45-20.00 Abdus SALAM: Using the software EBENMASS for the symmetric groups and symmetric functions

Rathaus (City Hall), Lichtenfelsgasse 2, Wappensaal

20.30 COCKTAIL RECEPTION upon invitation of the Mayor and Governor of Vienna

WEDNESDAY, July 16, Institut für Mathematik, Strudlhofgasse 4, Hörsaal 1

9.00-9.50 Tony GUTTMANN: Statistical mechanics illuminated by combinatorics
----------- Coffee break
10.30-11.00 Alain LASCOUX: Special Talk commemorating Marcel-Paul Schützenberger: "Marcel-Paul Schützenberger and the symmetric group"
11.15-11.40 Nantel BERGERON and Frank SOTTILE*: Identities of structure constants for Schubert polynomials and orders on Sn
11.50-12.15 Anatol N. KIRILLOV and Toshiaki MAENO*: Quantum double Schubert polynomials, quantum Schubert polynomials and Vafa-Intriligator formula
12.25-12.50 Yuval ROICHMAN: Murnaghan-Nakayama and Littlewood-Richardson type rules for Kazhdan-Lusztig representations of arbitrary Coxeter groups
----------- Free Afternoon

THURSDAY, July 17, Institut für Mathematik, Strudlhofgasse 4, Hörsaal 1

9.00-9.50 Martin Aigner: Geometrical Representations of Graphs and the Four-Color-Theorem
----------- Coffee break
10.30-10.55 Frédérique BASSINO: Distributions de longeurs des codes circulaires
11.05-11.30 Mihai CIUCU: No feedback card guessing for dovetail shuffles
11.40-12.05 Jean-Christophe NOVELLI: On the hypoplactic monoid
----------- Lunch
14.00-14.50 Andreas DRESS: Archimedian crystals
----------- Coffee break
15.30-15.55 Eric BABSON, Anders BJÖRNER, Svante LINUSSON, John SHARESHIAN*, and Volkmar WELKER: Complexes of not i-connected graphs
16.05-16.30 Sheila SUNDARAM: Homotopy and homology of non-modular partitions and related posets
16.40-17.05 Vesselin GASHAROV: Green and Gotzmann theorems for polynomial rings with restricted powers of the variables

Institut für Mathematik, Strudlhofgasse 4, corridors


Christos ATHANASIADIS: Inductively free arrangements and a result of Headley
François BERGERON and Sylvie HAMEL*: Intersection de modules liés aux polynômes de Macdonald
Laurence BESSIS: p-elliptic hypermaps and the Klein map
Anders BJÖRNER and Svante LINUSSON*: The number of k-faces of a simple d-polytope
H. MORITA* and H.-F. YAMADA: Higher Specht polynomials for the complex reflection group G(r,p,n)
Jennifer MORSE: Sahi-Knop polynomials and basic hypergeometric series
M. MOSBAH and N. SAHEB*: Formal rational fractions and random walks on cycle graphs
Victor M. PETROGRADSKY: On growth of Lie algebras, generalized partitions, and analytic functions
Tom ROBY: A Schensted insertion for an infinite dimensional representation
Bruce E. SAGAN* and Alexander I. MOLEV: A Pieri rule for generalized factorial Schur functions
B. SHAPIRO, M. SHAPIRO and Alexander VAINSHTEIN: Connected components in the intersection of two open opposite Schubert cells in SLn(R)/B

Heuriger Steinschaden, Kahlenbergerstraße 18, 1190 Wien

19.00 HEURIGENABEND (Conference Dinner)

FRIDAY, July 18, Institut für Mathematik, Strudlhofgasse 4, Hörsaal 1

9.00-9.50 Mark HAIMAN: Macdonald polynomials and Hilbert schemes
----------- Coffee break
10.30-10.55 Carol CHANG: The n! conjecture and algebraic vector bundles on complex projective space
11.05-11.30 Will BROCKMAN* and Mark HAIMAN: Nilpotent orbit varieties and the atomic decomposition of the q-Kostka polynomials
11.40-12.05 Andrei OKOUNKOV: Binomial formula for Macdonald polynomials and applications
----------- Lunch
14.00-14.50 Anatoliy VERSHIK: The generating function \prod_{k=1}^{\infty}(1-x^k)^{-k} -- McMahon and Erdös
----------- Coffee break
15.30-15.55 Cristian LENART: Symmetric functions, formal group laws, and Lazard's theorem
16.05-16.30 Sévéverine LEIDWANGER: A relation between Schur P- and S-functions
16.40-17.05 Tom HALVERSON*, Robert LEDUC and Arun RAM: Iwahori-Hecke algebras of type A, bitraces and symmetric functions