Christian Krattenthaler's Links

Acta Arithmetica, 1935-1964
Adin, Ron
Advances in Applied Mathematics
Advances in Mathematics
aequationes mathematicae
Algebraic Combinatorics (Fair Open Access Journal)
Amdeberhan, Tewodros
AMS page
AMS, Combined Membership List
Analysis of Algorithms home page
Andrews, George
Annales Polonici Mathematici, 1955-1961
Annals of Combinatorics
Annals of Mathematics
Annuaire de la Communauté Mathématique Francaise
Armstrong, Drew
Askey's photo gallery
Assaf, Sami
Association Cont'Science
Athanasiadis, Christos
APA (Austrian Press Agency)
Austrian Parliament
Austrian Bundesgesetz
Austrian Federal Constitution
Banach Center Publications, 1976-1982
Banderier, Cyril
Bergeron, François
Bergeron, Nantel
Berndt, Bruce
Bessenrodt, Christine
Betriebsrat Universität Wien
Bhatnagar, Gaurav
Biagioli, Riccardo
BIBOS Gateway
Billey, Sara
Björner, Anders
Böhm, Walter
Bóna, Miklós
Bostan, Alin
Bousquet-Mélou, Mireille
Brenti, Francesco
Bressoud, David
Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications
Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung
Butler, Lynne
CA Immobilien
Caselli, Fabrizio
Chauve, Cedric
Chow, Timothy
Chapoton, Frédéric
Chyzak, Frédéric
Cigler, Johann
Citation Seeker
Ciucu, Mihai
Colloquium Mathematicum, 1947-1961
The Combinatorics Net
Combinatorial Objects Server by Frank Ruskey
Combinatorial Structures of Intractable Algorithms (COMBSTRU)
Open Problems in Algebraic Combinatorics, May 16 - 20, 2022, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Special Week/Workshop/Topical Day on Computer Algebra for Functional Equations in Combinatorics and Physics, November 27 - December 11, 2023, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
The Legacy of Ramanujan 2024, June 6 - 9, 2024, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
Workshop on "Recent Perspectives on Non-crossing Partitions through Algebra, Combinatorics, and Probability", February 17 - 21, 2025, Erwin Schrödinger Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Vienna, Austria
cortipom25: Closing conference of the Cortipom ANR project, June 9 - 13, 2025, Le Croisic, France
"Combinatorial Synergies", Annual Conference, September 3 - 5, 2025, Hannover, Germany
37th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, July 21 - 25, 2025, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Combinatorial Synergies - Annual Conference, September 3 - 5, 2025, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
International Conference "42 Years of "Alternating Sign Matrices", September 22 - 26, 2025, University of Vienna, Austria
31st British Combinatorial Conference, July 6 - 10, 2026, Cardiff, Wales
Corteel, Sylvie
Delest, Maylis
DMV-Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Melbourne
Diaconis, Persi
Dictionary hablaa
Diestel, Reinhard
Di Francesco, Philippe
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, NIST
Digital Books Collections (Gallica, Cornell, Michigan University, Göttingen)
Digital Library (Journals, Math Book Collection), Cornell
Digitization of ancient mathematics documents
Discrete Applied Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Drmota, Michael
Dunkl, Charles
École Normale et Superieure, Lyon
Egecioglu, Ömer
Electronic Research Announcements
Elizalde, Sergi
EMS Home Page
Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
Encyclopedia of Mathematics
English-French Mathematics Dictionary
Eppstein, David
Erdös Collected Papers
Eriksson, Kimmo
EU - Research and Development - 5th framework programme
EU - Research and Development - 6th framework programme
EU - Research and Development - 7th framework programme
European Journal of Combinatorics
European Post-Doctoral Institute
Fahrplan Wiener Verkehrsbetriebe
Felsner, Stefan
Flajolet, Philippe
Foata, Dominique
Fomin, Sergey
Forschungsfinanzierungsaktionen und Forschungsförderungen 2001/2002
FPSAC - The Conferences on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics"
French-English Dictionary (babLa)
French-English Dictionary, Chicago
French-English Translation
Fundamenta Mathematica, 1920-1993
Fusy, Éric
Gallery of Art 1150-1800
Garsia, Adriano
Garsia, Adriano's "private" home page
Garvan, Frank
Gasper, George
German-English Dictionary (babLa)
German-English Dictionary (Leo)
German-French Dictionary (babLa)
German-French Dictionary (Leo)
German-French Dictionary (Pons)
Gessel, Ira
Ghorpade, Sudhir
GNU Emacs
Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum
Gould, Henry W.
Goulden, Ian
Graf, Carmen and Hans
Greene, Curtis
Guillera, Jesús
Haglund, Jim
Haiman, Mark
Han, Guo-Niu
Hardy-Ramanujan Journal
Helfgott, Harald
Hetyei, Gábor
History of Mathematics Archive
Home pages of combinatorial people and groups
Home Pages Search
Hotels Combined
HTML Guide
Hübner-Langenbruck, Wilhelm
The Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications
Integer Relations Interface (CECM)
IMPERIAL Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaft
INRIA, Roquencourt
Interviews mit österreichischen Mathematikern
IRMA, Strasbourg
Ishikawa, Masao
Jackson, David
Job Offers in Mathematics
Jones, Vaughan
Journal Pricing ??
Journal Pricing ???
Journal Pricing ????
Journal Pricing Elsevier: Cornell cancels
Journals by Impact Factor (??)
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (GDZ)
Journal of Algebra
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series A
Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series B
Journal of Integer Sequences
Journal of Number Theory
Journal of Symbolic Computation
Journal of the AMS
Kenyon, Richard
Kim, Dongsu
Kinoprogramm Österreich
Kirillov, Alexander, Jr.
Kirillov, Anatol
Klazar, Martin
Knuth, Donald
Knutson, Allen
Kohnert, Axel
Konzerthaus Wien
Koornwinder, Tom
Krob, Daniel
Kuperberg, Greg
Kurier Online
Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique, Bordeaux
Lam, Thomas
Langenscheidt's Dictionary, English-German, English-Spanish
Lascoux, Alain
Lass, Bodo
Leclerc, Bernard
van Leeuwen, Marc
Lenart, Cristian
Links at Berkeley's home page
Loebl, Martin
Lovejoy, Jeremy
Mathematica implementations at RISC
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Mathematics Genealogy Project
Mathematics in Europe
Mathematics Preprint Archive, "The ArXiv" (Mirror in Augsburg, Mirror in France)
Mathematics Preprints at Bayreuth
Mathematischer Zirkel
MPRESS - The Mathematics Preprint Server System
MathSciNet, with mirror site at Bielefeld
MathTalks Austria
Mimachi, Katsuhisa
Miller, Ezra
Milne, Stephen
MIT Department of Mathematics
Monatshefte für Mathematik
Muir, Thomas: The Theory of Determinants in the Historical Order of Development
Müller, Thomas
Musiker, Gregg
Musikverein Wien
Newsgroup: sci.math.research
New York Journal of Mathematics
New York Times
Niederhausen, Heinrich
Notices of the AMS
Noumi, Masatoshi
Noy, Marc
Odlyzko, Andrew
Okounkov, Andrei
Olsson, Jørn
Ono, Ken
OP-SF-NET Newsletter
Österreichische Bundesbahnen
Österreichische Bundesbahnen - Fahrplan
Österreichische Bundestheater
ÖMG (Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft)
Out of print books voting
Oxford English Dictionary
Pachter, Lior
Pak, Igor
Paule, Peter
Petkovsek, Marko
Pinzani, Renzo
Politesse: Les formules de politesse
Postnikov, Alexander
Die Presse Homepage
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA
Proceedings of the AMS
Proctor, Robert
Prodinger, Helmut
Propp, Jim
Rahman, Mizan
Ram, Arun
The Ramanujan Journal
The Ramanujan WWW Site
Raschel, Kilian
Reading, Nathan
Rechnitzer, Andrew
Reiner, Victor
Representation Theory
RIMS, Kyoto
RISC preprints
Rivoal, Tanguy
Roichman, Yuval
Rosengren, Hjalmar
Rote, Günter
Sagan, Bruce
Salvy, Bruno
Schaeffer, Gilles
Schilling, Anne
Schmidt, Arnold
Schneider, Carsten
Search engines
Shimozono, Mark
SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
SIAM Newsletter, Wolfram Koepf
Sills, Andrew
Sitzungsberichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Skandera, Mark
Society for Special Functions
South East Asian Journal of Mathematics & Mathematical Sciences
Stadtplan Wien
Stanley, Richard
Stanton, Dennis
Steingrímsson, Einar
Stembridge, John
Studia Mathematica, 1929-1973
Sundaram, Sheila
Superseeker, the On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
Suslov, Sergei
Symbols in Mathematics - earliest known uses
Technische Universität Wien
Telephonbuch, Österreich
Tesler, Glenn
TeX manual (Donald Knuth)
Thibon, Jean-Yves
Tilings Preprints
Transactions of the AMS
"Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity" (??) by Alan Sokal
University Ranking
van Assche, Walter
Viennot, Xavier
Viennot, Xavier: talk at FPSAC'92 in Montréal
Wachs, Michelle
Webster's English Dictionary
Welker, Volkmar
West, Julian
Wiener Staatsoper
Wikipedia - Deutsch
Wikipedia - English
Wikipedia - Français
Wilf, Herbert
Williams, Lauren
Williams, Nathan
Wilson, David
Winkel, Rudolf
Wissenswertes aus Mathematik
Words in Mathematics - earliest known uses
Eric Weisstein's "World of Mathematics"
WWW pages, USA
Xin, Guoce
Yahoo! deutsch
Yamada, Yasuhiko
Zabrocki, Mike
Zeilberger, Doron
Zeng, Jiang
Zentralblatt für Mathematik
Ziegler, Günter
Zudilin, Wadim

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