Christian Krattenthaler's Links
- Acta
Arithmetica, 1935-1964
- Adin, Ron
- Advances in Applied
- Advances in
- aequationes
- Algebraic Combinatorics (Fair Open Access Journal)
- Amdeberhan, Tewodros
- AMS page
- AMS, Combined Membership List
- Analysis of
Algorithms home page
- Andrews, George
- Annales Polonici
Mathematici, 1955-1961
- Annals of Combinatorics
- Annals of Mathematics
- Annuaire de la Communauté
Mathématique Francaise
- Armstrong, Drew
- Askey's
photo gallery
- Askey-scheme
- Assaf, Sami
- Association Cont'Science
- Astérisques
- Athanasiadis, Christos
- APA (Austrian Press Agency)
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- Austrian Bundesgesetz
- Austrian Federal Constitution
- Banach
Center Publications, 1976-1982
- Banderier, Cyril
- Bergeron, François
- Bergeron, Nantel
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- Bessenrodt, Christine
- Betriebsrat Universität Wien
- Bhatnagar, Gaurav
- Biagioli, Riccardo
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- Billey, Sara
- Björner, Anders
- Böhm, Walter
- Bóna, Miklós
- Bostan, Alin
- Bousquet-Mélou, Mireille
- Brenti, Francesco
- Bressoud, David
- Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications
- Bundesministerium für
Wissenschaft und Forschung
- Butler, Lynne
- CA Immobilien
- Caselli, Fabrizio
- Chauve, Cedric
- Chow, Timothy
- Chapoton, Frédéric
- Chyzak, Frédéric
- Cigler, Johann
- Citation Seeker
- Ciucu, Mihai
- Colloquium
Mathematicum, 1947-1961
- The Combinatorics Net
- Combinatorial Objects
Server by Frank Ruskey
- Combinatorial
Structures of Intractable Algorithms (COMBSTRU)
- Open Problems in Algebraic Combinatorics,
May 16 - 20, 2022,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
- Special Week/Workshop/Topical Day on
Computer Algebra for Functional Equations in Combinatorics and Physics,
November 27 - December 11, 2023, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
- The Legacy of Ramanujan 2024, June 6 - 9, 2024,
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
- Workshop on "Recent Perspectives on Non-crossing Partitions through Algebra, Combinatorics, and Probability", February 17 - 21, 2025,
Erwin Schrödinger Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Vienna, Austria
- cortipom25: Closing conference of the Cortipom ANR project, June 9 - 13, 2025,
Le Croisic, France
- "Combinatorial Synergies", Annual Conference, September 3 - 5, 2025,
Hannover, Germany
- 37th International
Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, July 21 - 25, 2025,
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
- Combinatorial Synergies - Annual Conference, September 3 - 5, 2025,
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
- International
Conference "42 Years of "Alternating Sign Matrices", September 22 - 26, 2025,
University of Vienna, Austria
- 31st British Combinatorial Conference, July 6 - 10, 2026,
Cardiff, Wales
- Corteel, Sylvie
- Delest, Maylis
- DMV-Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik
- Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Melbourne
- Diaconis, Persi
- Dictionaries
- Dictionary hablaa
- Diestel, Reinhard
- Di Francesco, Philippe
- Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, NIST
- Digital Books Collections
(Gallica, Cornell, Michigan University, Göttingen)
- Digital Library
(Journals, Math Book Collection), Cornell
- Digitization of ancient
mathematics documents
- Discrete Applied
- Discrete Mathematics
- Discrete
Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
- Drmota, Michael
- Dunkl, Charles
- École Normale et
Superieure, Lyon
- Egecioglu, Ömer
- Electronic Research Announcements
- Elizalde, Sergi
- EMS Home Page
- Encyclopedia
of Integer Sequences
- Encyclopedia
of Mathematics
- English-French
Mathematics Dictionary
- Eppstein, David
- Erdös Collected Papers
- Eriksson, Kimmo
- EU - Research and
Development - 5th framework programme
- EU - Research and
Development - 6th framework programme
- EU - Research and
Development - 7th framework programme
- European Journal of
- European Post-Doctoral
- Fahrplan Wiener Verkehrsbetriebe
- Felsner, Stefan
- Flajolet, Philippe
- Flugbuchung
- Foata, Dominique
- Fomin, Sergey
- Forschungsfinanzierungsaktionen und Forschungsförderungen 2001/2002
The Conferences on "Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics"
- French-English Dictionary (babLa)
- French-English
Dictionary, Chicago
- French-English Translation
- Fundamenta
Mathematica, 1920-1993
- Fusy, Éric
- Gallery of Art 1150-1800
- Garsia, Adriano
- Garsia, Adriano's
"private" home page
- Garvan, Frank
- Gasper, George
- German-English Dictionary (babLa)
- German-English Dictionary (Leo)
- German-French Dictionary (babLa)
- German-French Dictionary (Leo)
- German-French
Dictionary (Pons)
- Gessel, Ira
- Ghorpade, Sudhir
- GNU Emacs
- Google
- Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum
- Gould, Henry W.
- Goulden, Ian
- Graf, Carmen and Hans
- Greene, Curtis
- Guillera, Jesús
- Haglund, Jim
- Haiman, Mark
- Han, Guo-Niu
- Hardy-Ramanujan
- Helfgott, Harald
- Hetyei, Gábor
- History of
Mathematics Archive
- Home pages of combinatorial people and groups
- Home Pages Search
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- Hübner-Langenbruck, Wilhelm
- The Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications
- Integer Relations Interface (CECM)
- INRIA, Roquencourt
- Interviews mit österreichischen Mathematikern
- IRMA, Strasbourg
- Ishikawa, Masao
- Jackson, David
- Jahrbuch-Projekt
- Job Offers in Mathematics
- Jones, Vaughan
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- Journal Pricing ???
- Journal Pricing ????
- Journal Pricing Elsevier: Cornell cancels
- Journals by Impact Factor (??)
- Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (GDZ)
- Journal of
- Journal of
Algebraic Combinatorics
- Journal of
Combinatorial Theory - Series A
- Journal of
Combinatorial Theory - Series B
- Journal of
Integer Sequences
- Journal of
Number Theory
- Journal of
Symbolic Computation
- Journal of the AMS
- Kenyon, Richard
- Kim, Dongsu
- Kinoprogramm Österreich
- Kirillov,
Alexander, Jr.
- Kirillov, Anatol
- Klazar, Martin
- Knuth, Donald
- Knutson, Allen
- Kohnert, Axel
- Konzerthaus Wien
- Koornwinder, Tom
- Krob, Daniel
- Kuperberg, Greg
- Kurier Online
- Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en
Informatique, Bordeaux
- Lam, Thomas
- Langenscheidt's
Dictionary, English-German, English-Spanish
- Lascoux, Alain
- Lass, Bodo
- Leclerc, Bernard
- van Leeuwen, Marc
- Lenart, Cristian
- Links at Berkeley's home page
- Loebl, Martin
- Lovejoy, Jeremy
- MathDoc
- Mathematica implementations at RISC
- Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
- Mathematics
Genealogy Project
- Mathematics
in Europe
- Mathematics
Preprint Archive, "The ArXiv" (Mirror in Augsburg,
Mirror in France)
- Mathematics Preprints at Bayreuth
- Mathematischer Zirkel
- MathGate
The Mathematics Preprint Server System
- MathSciNet, with mirror site at
- MathTalks Austria
- Mimachi,
- Miller, Ezra
- Milne, Stephen
- MIT Department of Mathematics
- Monatshefte
für Mathematik
- Muir, Thomas: The Theory of Determinants in the Historical
Order of Development
- Müller, Thomas
- Musiker, Gregg
- Musikverein Wien
- Newsgroup:
- New York
Journal of Mathematics
- New York Times
- Niederhausen, Heinrich
- Notices of the AMS
- Noumi, Masatoshi
- Noy, Marc
- Odlyzko, Andrew
- Okounkov, Andrei
- Olsson, Jørn
- Ono, Ken
- Österreichische Bundesbahnen
- Österreichische Bundesbahnen
- Fahrplan
- Österreichische
(Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft)
- Out of print books voting
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Pachter, Lior
- Pak, Igor
- Paule, Peter
- Petkovsek, Marko
- Pinzani, Renzo
- Politesse:
Les formules de politesse
- Postnikov, Alexander
- Die Presse Homepage
- Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences, USA
- Proceedings of the AMS
- Proctor, Robert
- Prodinger, Helmut