The corresponding article has been published in
Anzeiger ÖAW math.-naturw. Klasse 126 (1989), 9-10.
Christian Krattenthaler
Einige quadratische, kubische und quartische Summenformeln für q-hypergeometrische Reihen
English Abstract.
We apply a special case of our matrix inversion in our article
``A new matrix inverse"
(Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 47-59)
to Jackson's sum of a very well-poised
8\phi7 to obtain a number of bibasic, cubic, and quartic summation
formulas. All of them are terminating special cases of identities derived
by Gasper
and Rahman (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 312 (1989), 257-278; Canad. J.
Math. 42 (1990), 1-27; Canad. J. Math. 45 (1993), 394-411;
Utilitas Math. 36 (1989), 161-172).
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