I will teach a mini-course on The Penrose inequality in extrinsic geometry at the summer school Geometry and Gravity.
I am PI of the Principal Investigator Project 10.55776/PAT9828924 of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) at the University of Vienna. Previously, I was PI of the Lise Meitner Programme 10.55776/M3184 with Michael Eichmair as co-PI.
I obtained my doctoral degree at the University of Freiburg in 2020 under the supervision of Guofang Wang.
During my doctorate, I spent time at University College London as a visiting research student of Felix Schulze.
I won the Ferdinand-von-Lindemann-Preis for the best doctoral thesis and the Alumni Prize for the best master thesis of the Mathematical Institute of the University of Freiburg.
Faculty of Mathematics
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
1090 Vienna
ORCID: 0000-0003-1676-0824
Pronouns: he/him
- Foliations of asymptotically flat 3-manifolds by stable constant mean curvature spheres
(with Michael Eichmair)
Journal of Differential Geometry, 128 (2024), no. 3, 1037-1083.
[journal] [arXiv:2201.12081]
Inverse mean curvature flow and Ricci-pinched three-manifolds
(with Gerhard Huisken)
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
814 (2024), 1-8. [journal] [arXiv:2305.04702]
Huisken-Yau-type uniqueness for area-constrained Willmore spheres
(with Michael Eichmair, Jan Metzger, and Felix Schulze)
Duke Mathematical Journal, 173 (2024), no. 9, 1677-1730. [journal] [arXiv:2204.04102]
Large area-constrained Willmore surfaces in asymptotically Schwarzschild 3-manifolds
(with Michael Eichmair)
Journal of Differential Geometry, 127 (2024), no. 1, 105-160.
[journal] [arXiv:2101.12665]
The Riemannian Penrose inequality for asymptotically flat manifolds with non-compact boundary
Journal of Differential Geometry, 124 (2023), no. 2, 317-379.
Doubling of asymptotically flat half-spaces and the Riemannian Penrose inequality
(with Michael Eichmair)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 400 (2023), no. 3, 1823–1860.
The Willmore center of mass of initial data sets
(with Michael Eichmair)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 392 (2022), no. 2, 483-516.
A free boundary isometric embedding problem in the unit ball
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 61 (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 50, 36 pp.
The area preserving Willmore flow and local maximizers of the Hawking mass in asymptotically Schwarzschild manifolds
The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 31 (2021), no. 4, 3455–3497. [journal] [arXiv:1810.12866]
Sharp estimates for the principal eigenvalue of the p-operator
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 57 (2018), no. 2, Paper No. 49, 30 pp. [journal] [arXiv:1907.10957]
Upcoming talks
- May 2025, Oberseminar Geometrische Analysis und Mathematische Relativitätstheorie, University of Tübingen
- July 2025, Österreichisches und süddeutsches Kolloquium, Vienna University of Technology
- The Penrose inequality in extrinsic geometry
January 2025, Geometry Seminar, University of Trento
- The Penrose inequality in extrinsic geometry
December 2024, Geometry Seminar, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- The Penrose inequality in extrinsic geometry
November 2024, Gromov, Hanke, Sormani, Yu's Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar
- The Penrose inequality in extrinsic geometry
October 2024, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Salzburg, University of Salzburg
- The Penrose inequality in extrinsic geometry
October 2024, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Freiburg, University of Freiburg
- Inverse mean curvature flow and Ricci-pinched three-manifolds
April 2024, Leipzig General Relativity Seminar, University of Leipzig
- Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces
February 2024, Analysis, Geometry and Topology of Positive Scalar Curvature Metrics, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics - Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces
December 2023, Mathematical Relativity: Past, Present, Future, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics
- Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces
November 2023, Partial Differential Equations Seminar, University of Oxford
- Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces
November 2023, Analysis Seminar, University of Warwick
- Inverse mean curvature flow and Ricci-pinched three-manifolds
October 2023, Geometry and Topology Seminar, University of Vienna
- Inverse mean curvature flow and Ricci-pinched three-manifolds
September 2023, Guess what? A Pisan workshop in Geometric Analysis, Centro De Giorgi
- Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces
April 2023, Vienna Geometric Analysis Seminar, University of Vienna
- Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces
March 2023, Gordon Workshop Geometric Analysis with focus on Geometric Flows, Hebrew University
- Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces
February 2023, Geometry and Topology Seminar, Duke University
- Schoen's conjecture for limits of isoperimetric surfaces
January 2023, Geometry and Analysis Seminar, Columbia University
- The Riemannian Penrose inequality for asymptotically flat half-spaces and rigidity
December 2022, Geometric Analysis Seminar, University of Miami
- The Riemannian Penrose inequality for asymptotically flat half-spaces and rigidity
October 2022, Seminar der Gravitationsphysik, University of Vienna
- Uniqueness of large area-constrained Willmore spheres in initial data sets
July 2022, Joint Online Mathematical Relativity Colloquium (JoMaReC)
- Foliations of asymptotically flat 3-manifolds by stable
constant mean curvature spheres
May 2022, CMC Seminar, University of Potsdam and University of Tübingen
- Foliations of asymptotically flat 3-manifolds by stable
constant mean curvature spheres
March 2022, Geometric Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Mini-Symposium, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
- The Willmore center of mass
March 2022, Gravitational Physics Lunch Seminar, University of Vienna
- Large area-constrained Willmore spheres in asymptotically Schwarzschild 3-manifolds
November 2021, Geometric Analysis, Differential Geometry and Relativity, University of Potsdam and University of Tübingen
- Foliations of asymptotically flat 3-manifolds by stable
constant mean curvature spheres
November 2021, B.O.W.L. on-line seminar
- Foliations of asymptotically flat 3-manifolds by stable
constant mean curvature spheres
September 2021, Section Calculus of Variations and Geometric Analysis,
DMV-ÖMG Annual Conference 2021
- Large area-constrained Willmore spheres in asymptotically Schwarzschild 3-manifolds
September 2021, Research Seminar: Geometric Analysis, University of Copenhagen
- Large area-constrained Willmore spheres in initial data sets
June 2021, Geometric Analysis and Low-Dimensional Topology Mini-Symposium, 8th European Congress of Mathematics
- Large area-constrained Willmore surfaces in asymptotically Schwarzschild 3-manifolds
April 2021, Oberseminar Geometrische Analysis und Mathematische
Relativitätstheorie, University of Tübingen
- Large area-constrained Willmore surfaces in asymptotically Schwarzschild 3-manifolds
February 2021, Geometry Seminar, Stanford University
- Large area-constrained Willmore surfaces in asymptotically Schwarzschild 3-manifolds
February 2021, Geometry and Analysis Seminar, Columbia University
- The Riemannian Penrose inequality for asymptotically flat manifolds with a non-compact boundary
January 2020, Geometry Seminar, University of Turin
- The Riemannian Penrose inequality for asymptotically flat manifolds with a non-compact boundary
January 2020, Geometry Seminar, Paris Diderot University
- The Riemannian Penrose inequality for asymptotically flat manifolds with a non-compact boundary
November 2019, Geometry Seminar, University of Vienna
- Maximizers of the Hawking mass in asymptotically flat manifolds
November 2018, Topics in Geometric Analysis Seminar, Free University of Berlin
I have acted as referee for the following journals.
- Annals of Mathematics
- Advances in Mathematics
- Duke Mathematical Journal
- Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
- International Mathematics Research Notices
- Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
- Journal of Differential Geometry
- Letters in Mathematical Physics
- Nonlinear Analysis
- The Journal of Geometric Analysis
- The Royal Society of Edinburgh: Proceedings A
Teaching and supervision
Past teaching
- Geometric analysis
Winter 2023, lecturer
- Analysis on manifolds
Summer 2023, teaching assistant
- Stochastics for secondary school teacher accreditation programme
Winter 2022, teaching assistant
- Linear algebra and geometry 1
Summer 2021, teaching assistant
- Calculus of variations
Summer 2019, teaching assistant
- Calculus of variations
Winter 2018, teaching assistant
- Introduction to convex analysis
Summer 2018, teaching assistant
- Analysis 3,
Winter 2017,
teaching assistant
- Calculus of variations in dimension one
Winter 2017, teaching assistant
- Differential geometry
Summer 2017, teaching assistant
Past supervision
- Ein Beweis der Faber-Krahn-Ungleichung
Summer 2023, bachelor thesis