Research in combinatorics at the
Fakultät für Mathematik
of the
Universität Wien is done by
- Seamus Albion (Research Fellow),
- Shane Chern (Xiaohang Chen) (Postdoc),
- Johann Cigler (Prof. emer.),
- Ilse Fischer (Univ.Prof.),
Fulmek (a.Prof.),
- Moritz Gangl (Research Fellow),
- Mona Gatzweiler (Research Fellow),
- Hans Höngesberg (Postdoc),
- Julia Hörmayer (Research Fellow),
- Christian Krattenthaler
- Nishu Kumari (Postdoc),
- Fabián Levicán (Research Fellow),
- Markus Reibnegger (Research Fellow),
- Michael
Schlosser (Assoz.Prof.),
- Marcus Schönfelder (Research Fellow),
- Florian Schreier-Aigner (Postdoc),
- Nicolas Allen Smoot (Postdoc),
- Atsuro Yoshida (Research Fellow),
- Chen Wang (Research Fellow).
Main interests are all sorts of
enumerative and
algebraic combinatorics,
and also related combinatorial identities, in particular (ordinary,
basic, elliptic)
series identities.
Together with colleagues from the University of Technology
we run a weekly seminar, the
Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Diskrete Mathematik", originally founded by
Herbert Fleischner.
The research is currently
partially supported by
the Austrian Science Foundation
FWF, in the framework of
the Special Research Programme
"Discrete Random Structures: Enumeration and
Scaling Limits" (grant 10.55776/F50) and the project
"Elliptic Hypergeometric Combinatorics" (grant P32305).