Projektseminar (Functional Analysis): Spectral theory for non-self-adjoint operators
Wintersemester 2017/18

Time and Place
Type: Time: Place: Start:
SE 2 std. Wed 9:45-11:15 SR11 4.10
The main topic of the seminar will be spectral theory for unbounded/non-self-adjoint operators. These problems arise in the study of nonlinear problems, in particular nonlinear wave equations. More specifically we want to cover Fredholm theory, essential spectra, and stability of essential spectra for these operators.
Date: Title: Speaker: References:
18.10Closed operators 1Jakob Möller[Kato] 3.5
08.11Closed operators 2Jakob Möller[Kato] 3.5
15.11Resolvents and spectra 1Noema Nicolussi[Kato] 3.6
22.11Resolvents and spectra 2Noema Nicolussi[Kato] 3.6
29.11Resolvents and spectra 3Ziping Rao[Kato] 3.6
06.12Resolvents and spectra 4Ziping Rao[Kato] 3.6
13.12Stability of closedness and bounded invertibility 1Peter Boder[Kato] 4.1
24.01Stability of closedness and bounded invertibility 2Peter Boder[Kato] 4.1
31.01Stability of the essential spectrumNoema Nicolussi[Kato] 4.5


  1. T. Kato, Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators, Springer, 1995
Course assessment
Preparation and presentation of a chosen topic. Active participation during the seminar.
Majors in Mathematics (master program, code MANS), Physics, ...
Lokking forward to seeing you, Roland Donninger and Gerald Teschl