Seminar (Analysis)
Wintersemester 2022/23
Time and Place
Type: | Time: | Place: | Start: |
SE 2 std. | Thu 11:30-13:00 | SR07 | 6.10 |
The main topic of the seminar will be some selected topics from analysis.
Date: | Title: | Speaker: | References: |
16.10 | Nikolas Hauschka | Rearrangement inequalities 1 | [LL] |
30.10 | Sebastian Gieger | Rearrangement inequalities 2 | [LL] |
6.11 | Lara Lichtnecker | Integral inequalities 1 | [LL] |
13.11 | Darius Eros | Integral inequalities 2 | [LL] |
20.11 | Gerald Teschl | Interpolation | [T] |
27.11 | Anton Zand | Maximal Functions | [T] |
8.1 | Mahziar Dehghanighanatghestani | Calderon-Zygmund Theory | [MS, T] |
15.1 | Mahziar Dehghanighanatghestani | Calderon-Zygmund Theory | [MS, T] |
21.1 | Iryna Karpenko | Littlewood-Paley Theorem | [MS] |
- E. Lieb and M. Loss, Analysis, 2nd ed., GSM 14, AMS, Providence, 2001
- C. Muscalu and W. Schlag, Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis, Cambridge UP, 2013
- G. Teschl, Topics in Real Analysis, Lecture Notes
Course assessment
Preparation and presentation of a chosen topic. Active participation during the seminar.
Majors in Mathematics (master program, code MANS), Physics, ...
Lokking forward to seeing you, Roland Donninger and Gerald Teschl