Seminar (Analysis)
Wintersemester 2022/23

Time and Place
Type: Time: Place: Start:
SE 2 std. Thu 11:30-13:00 SR07 6.10
The main topic of the seminar will be some selected topics from analysis.
Date: Title: Speaker: References:
16.10Nikolas HauschkaRearrangement inequalities 1[LL]
30.10Sebastian GiegerRearrangement inequalities 2[LL]
6.11Lara LichtneckerIntegral inequalities 1[LL]
13.11Darius ErosIntegral inequalities 2[LL]
20.11Gerald TeschlInterpolation[T]
27.11Anton ZandMaximal Functions[T]
8.1Mahziar DehghanighanatghestaniCalderon-Zygmund Theory[MS, T]
15.1Mahziar DehghanighanatghestaniCalderon-Zygmund Theory[MS, T]
21.1Iryna KarpenkoLittlewood-Paley Theorem[MS]


  1. E. Lieb and M. Loss, Analysis, 2nd ed., GSM 14, AMS, Providence, 2001
  2. C. Muscalu and W. Schlag, Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis, Cambridge UP, 2013
  3. G. Teschl, Topics in Real Analysis, Lecture Notes
Course assessment
Preparation and presentation of a chosen topic. Active participation during the seminar.
Majors in Mathematics (master program, code MANS), Physics, ...
Lokking forward to seeing you, Roland Donninger and Gerald Teschl