Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Volume XXX,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, (to appear).
Topics in Real Analysis
Gerald Teschl
This manuscript provides a brief introduction to Real Analysis.
It covers basic measure theory including Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces and the Fourier transform.
There is also an accompanying text on Functional Analysis.
MSC: 28-01, 42-01
Keywords: Real Analysis, Measure theory, Lebesgue spaces, Fourier transform
The text is available as
pdf (2.1M) version.
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Table of contents
- Measures
- The problem of measuring sets
- Sigma algebras and measures
- Extending a premeasure to a measure
- Borel measures
- Measurable functions
- How wild are measurable objects
- Appendix: Jordan measurable sets
- Appendix: Equivalent definitions for the outer Lebesgue measure
- Integration
- Integration - Sum me up, Henri
- Product measures
- Transformation of measures and integrals
- Surface measure and the Gauss-Green theorem
- Appendix: Transformation of Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrals
- Appendix: The connection with the Riemann integral
- The Lebesgue spaces Lp
- Functions almost everywhere
- Jensen ≤ Hölder ≤ Minkowski
- Nothing missing in Lp
- Approximation by nicer functions
- Integral operators
- Rearrangements
- More measure theory
- Decomposition of measures
- Derivatives of measures
- Complex measures
- Appendix: Functions of bounded variation and absolutely continuous functions
- Even more measure theory
- Hausdorff measure
- Infinite product measures
- Convergence in measures and a.e. convergence
- Weak and vague convergence of measures
- The Bochner integral
- The Lebesgue-Bochner spaces
- The dual of Lp
- The dual of Lp, p<∞
- The dual of L∞ and the Riesz representation theorem
- The Riesz-Markov representation theorem
- Sobolev spaces
- Warmup: Differentiable and Hölder continuous functions
- Basic properties
- Extension and trace operators
- Embedding theorems
- Applications to elliptic equations
- Fourier series
- Convergence of mean values and convergence in mean square
- Pointwise convergence
- Uniform and absolute convergence
- The Fourier transform
- The Fourier transform on L1 and L2
- Some further topics
- Applications to linear partial differential equations
- Sobolev spaces
- Applications to evolution equations
- Tempered distributions
- Interpolation
- Interpolation and the Fourier transform on Lp
- The Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem
- Calderón-Zygmund operators
Glossary of notations