"Geometry and Analysis on Groups" Research Seminar

Time: 21.01.12, 15:00–17:00
Location: Seminarraum 8, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 2.Stock
Title: Negative immersions and one-relator groups
Speaker: Henry Wilton (Cambridge)
Abstract: One-relator groups \(G = F / <>\) pose a challenge to geometric group theorists. On the one hand, they satisfy strong algebraic constraints (e.g. Magnus' theorem that the word problem is solvable). On the other hand, they are not susceptible to geometric techniques, since some of them (such as Baumslag-Solitar groups) exhibit extremely pathological behavior.

I will relate the subgroup structure of one-relator groups to a measure of complexity for the relator \(w\) introduced by Puder - the * primitivity rank * \(\p (w)\), the smallest rank of a subgroup of \(F\) containing \(w\) as an imprimitive element. A sample application is that every subgroup of \(G\) of rank less than \(\pi(w)\) is free. These results in turn provoke geometric conjectures that suggest a beginning of a geometric theory of one-relator groups.

This is joint work with Larsen Louder.