"Geometry and Analysis on Groups" Research Seminar
Time: 2018.04.17, 15:00–17:00
Location: Seminarraum 10, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 2.Stock
Title: "Growth functions in groups and
Speaker: Yuri Bahturin (Memorial
University of Newfoundland)
The growth functions appearing in the groups are based on the word
length of elements of the free group. In the case of algebras, the
growth functions are based on the degree of elements in a free algebra
(associative, Lie, etc.) Based mostly on the joint work with Alexander
Olshanskiy, I will talk about the results concerning various growth
functions, which in some cases show the similarity of both cases and in
some other cases reveal the difference. These situations include the
growth of actions of groups on the sets and the growth of modules over
free associative and group algebras. I will mention the phenomenon of
the distortion appearing when a group (an algebra) is embedded in
another group (an algebra). Time permitting, I will talk about the
relative growth of subgroups in free groups and subalgebras in free Lie