Web Page of

Favre Gianluca

gianluca.favre (at) univie.ac.at

Research Interests

Current Position:
As of November 2023, I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Vienna, working with Sara Merino-Aceituno's research group.
Prior to this, from January 2022 to September 2023, I collaborated with Simone Fagioli at the University of L'Aquila.
My PhD, which I completed at the University of Vienna, was supervised by Prof. Christian Schmeiser.

Opinion Dynamics:
At the moment, I am primarily interested in understanding the phenomena related to information exchange. What interests me most is trying to understand how current means of communication, namely online platforms such as social networks and social media, can influence the evolution of public opinion through their structure. The network structure and the algorithms that regulate the flow of information have become fundamental in the process of forming individuals' opinions. My interest is directed towards understanding and modeling these dynamics. Being able to comprehend and describe these processes could allow anticipating effects such as the formation of filter bubbles and the fragmentation of the population with associated opinion polarization.

While philosophy, social sciences, and physics have already made great strides in understanding these phenomena, mathematics still lags behind in addressing this topic. My goal is to adopt as interdisciplinary an approach as possible, leveraging mathematical language to create tailored models based on theories provided by philosophy and the social sciences.

In addition to social networks and social media, the information world is now also adapting to AI. Understanding how humans interact through and with these virtual structures is essential to comprehend how to manage communication and information processes in the present and future.

During my PhD, I focused on hypocoercivity for kinetic equations under the supervision of Prof. Christian Schmeiser. This approach is a powerful method for proving exponential convergence to equilibrium with quantitative rates for spatially inhomogeneous kinetic problems.

Scientific publications

  1. V. Calvez, G. Favre, F. Hoffmann
    Stability analysis for a kinetic bacterial chemotaxis model

    Submitted on June 20th, 2024
    [ ArXiv ]

  2. G. Favre, G. Jankowiak, S. Merino-Aceituno, L. Trussardi
    An application-oriented framework for continuum modeling of opinion dynamics on a network

    Submitted on June 25th, 2024
    [ ArXiv ]

  3. Published:
  4. G. Favre, M. Pirner, C. Schmeiser SCImago Journal & Country Rank
    Hypocoercivity and reaction-diffusion limit for a nonlinear generation-recombination model

    Published in ARMA - Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis - 2023
    [ journal ] [ ArXiv ]

  5. S. Fagioli, G. Favre
    Opinion formation on evolving network. The DPA method applied to a nonlocal cross-diffusion PDE-ODE system.

    Published in European Journal of Applied Mathematics - 2024
    [ journal ] [ ArXiv ]

  6. G. Favre, M. Pirner, C. Schmeiser
    Thermalization of a rarefied gas with total energy conservation: existence, hypocoercivity, macroscopic limit

    Published in Kinetic & Related models - 2022
    [ journal ] [ ArXiv ]

  7. G. Favre, A. Jüngel, C. Schmeiser, N. Zamponi SCImago Journal & Country Rank
    Existence analysis of a degenerate diffusion system for heat-conducting gases

    Published in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications - NoDEA - 2021
    [ journal ] [ ArXiv ]

  8. G. Favre, C. Schmeiser
    Hypocoercivity and Fast Reaction Limit for Linear Reaction Networks with Kinetic Transport

    Published in Journal of Statistical Physics - 2020
    [ journal ] [ ArXiv ]

  9. G. Favre, G. Schimperna
    SCImago Journal & Country Rank On a Navier-Stokes-Allen-Cahn model with inertial effects

    Published in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications - 2019
    [ journal ] [ ArXiv ]

  10. Ongoing:
  11. G. Favre, A. Pederneschi, M.T. Wolfram
    Topic: Modeling echo chambers and epistemic bubbles

Non scientific publication

  • G. Favre
    Il prezzo della poesia
    Collection of poems, published by Gattomerlino - 2021
    ISBN 9788866831402

  • Scientific activities

    Organization of events:
    Long Research and Teaching Stays:
    Invited Talks:
    Invited Workshop:
    Contributed Talk:


    I was born and raised in the mountains of the Aosta Valley, home to some of Europe's highest peaks like Monte Rosa, the Matterhorn, and Mont Blanc. At 18, I became a ski instructor, and by 20, I was a certified coach.

    I'm passionate about Russian literature and the Russian language, as well as independent travel to the East. I've visited more than 50 countries, and I rarely stayed in hotels. Central Asia and the Caucasus are my favorite places to visit. Afghanistan is the one trip I might not repeat (although, to be honest, I'd probably go again and just regret it afterward).

    I've spent a lot of time abroad for collaborations and study: Coimbra (Portugal), Pasadena (USA), Kyoto (Japan), Paris (France), Bonn (Germany), Poitiers (France), and Urgench (Uzbekistan).

    My passion for the Universe, the stars, and the infinite led me to Pavia, where I graduated in Theoretical Physics. During my time there, I lived at the Collegio del Maino, of which I'm a proud alumnus. After graduation, I decided to move to Vienna for my PhD in Mathematics.

    In a moment of inspiration, I even wrote and published a collection of poems - still deciding whether I should be proud of it or a little embarrassed. Luckily, you don't understand Italian.

    In the future, I hope to visit North Korea, finish exploring all the former Soviet republics, and go to Antarctica. I also aspire to make my mark in Mathematical Sociology, studying polarization phenomena on social networks and social media. But most of all, I hope to retire soon, ahahaha!


    My Google Scholar.

    My account on ResearchGate.

    My papers on arXiv.

    My ORCID.

    My Scopus stats.

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    Courmayeur (GS) and Bormio (SG)
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    Corsica with Anna
    Giasone campione!
    Praia da Barra
    Petit Tournalin
    Kazbegi (Georgia)
    Tbilisi (Georgia)


    Email: gianluca.favre (at) univie.ac.at
    Phone: +43 1 4277 50471

    Office 05.131
    Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
    Faculty of Mathematics
    University of Vienna
    1090, Vienna (AUT)