Geophysicist & Mathematician
E-mail: katharina.brazda@univie.ac.at
- Calculus of variations, partial differential equations
- Continuum mechanics, elasticity
- Geometric energy functionals for biological membranes
- Global seismology, gravimetry, geophysical fluid dynamics
K. Brazda, G. Jankowiak, C. Schmeiser, and U. Stefanelli.
Bifurcation of elastic curves with modulated stiffness,
arXiv:2011.13278, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 34(1):28-54, 2023 (online 2022).
K. Brazda, L. Lussardi, and U. Stefanelli.
Existence of varifold minimizers for the multiphase Canham-Helfrich functional, arXiv:1912.02614, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 59:93, 2020.
M. Sommer, K. Brazda, and M. Hantel.
Statistical mechanics for conservative discretizations of two-dimensional incompressible flow,
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 21(4):371-384, 2012.
M. Sommer, K. Brazda, and M. Hantel.
Algebraic construction of a Nambu bracket for the two-dimensional vorticity equation,
Physics Letters A, 375(37):3310-3313, 2011.
R. Pašteka, F.P. Richter, R. Karcol, K. Brazda, and M. Hajach.
Regularized derivatives of potential fields and their role in semi-automated interpretation methods,
Geophysical Prospecting, 57(4):507-516, 2009.
K. Brazda, M. Kružík, and U. Stefanelli. Generalized Minimizing Movements for the varifold Canham-Helfrich flow, submitted, arXiv:2207.03426.
K. Brazda, M.V. de Hoop, and G. Hörmann. Variational formulation of the earth’s elastic-gravitational deformations under low regularity conditions, book chapter, arXiv:1702.04741.
Doctoral thesis (mathematics; supervisor: Ulisse Stefanelli): Variational models for biological membranes.
Master's thesis (mathematics; supervisor: Günther Hörmann): Variational solution of the elastic wave equation.
Doctoral thesis (geophysics; supervisor: Günther Hörmann): The elastic-gravitational equations in global seismology with low regularity.
Diploma thesis (geophysics; supervisor: Bruno Meurers):
Gravity field continuation and its regularization.
04/2023: Doctorate (Dr.) in Mathematics, University of Vienna
02/2018: Master (MSc.) in Mathematics, University of Vienna
09/2017: Doctorate (Dr.) in Geophysics, University of Vienna
01/2007: Diploma (Mag.) in Geophysics, University of Vienna
Since 09/2015: Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Department of Applied Mathematics & Physics
09/2022 - 03/2023: Lecturer, University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics
03/2022 - 03/2023: Lecturer, University of Vienna, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics
03/2018 - 08/2022: Research Assistant, University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics
08/2014 - 12/2017: Adjunct Professor, Webster Vienna Private University, Department of Business and Management
03/2013 - 08/2014 & 10/2015 - 02/2018: Lecturer, University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics
01/2007 - 12/2012: Research Assistant, University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics
University of Vienna (Mathematics; Business, Economics and Statistics; Physics; Meteorology and Geophysics):
STEOP: Exercises on Introduction to mathematical methodology,
Tutorials to Introduction to Analysis,
Problem sessions to Mathematics 1,
Problem sessions to Mathematics 2,
Problem sessions to Analysis for Physicists 1,
Problem sessions to Analysis for Physicists 2,
Problem sessions to Linear Algebra for Physicists,
Lecture course: Theory of Seismic Waves,
Lecture course: Signal Analysis,
Problem sessions to Signal Analysis.
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien:
Lecture course: Mathematics for Engineering Sciences 3 (Bachelor Mechatronics/Robotics),
Lecture course: Applied Mathematics 2 (Bachelor Smart Homes and Assistive Technologies).
Webster Vienna Private University:
Lecture course: MATH 1430 College Algebra (Bachelor Business/Management).
Last update: 05/2023