List of talks
- 01/2025: Constructing biharmonic and conformal biharmonic maps to spheres
Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie, Uni Münster
- 12/2024: On biharmonic and conformal biharmonic maps
University of Western Macedonia, online
- 09/2024: On conformal biharmonic maps and hypersurfaces
Warsaw meeting in Analysis and PDEs, Poland
- 06/2024: On conformal biharmonic maps and hypersurfaces
Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie, Uni Münster
- 05/2024: On conformal biharmonic maps and hypersurfaces
- 02/2024: An invitation to harmonic maps
Fudan-Vienna Workshop on Applied Mathematics and Data Science, China
- 03/2023: Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps
The 3rd Shot of The 13th MSJ-SI "Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems", Osaka City University
- 06/2022: Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps
Ege Geometry Day 4 (online)
- 03/2022: Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps
At the confluence of geometry, analysis and mathematical physics (online)
- 10/2021: Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps
The 4th Geometric Analysis Festival (online)
- 09/2021: On polyharmonic hypersurfaces in pseudo-Riemannian space forms
ÖMG - DMV 2021 (online), Section Differential Geometry
- 09/2021: The supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model as a geometric variational problem
XXIX International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics (online), Covilhã, Portugal
- 04/2021: The supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model as a geometric variational problem
Young Geometers Meeting (online), University of Copenhagen
- 05/2020: Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps
Universität Münster, Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie
- 05/2020: Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps
Online Seminar "Geometric Analysis"
- 01/2020: Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps
MPI Bonn, Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie
- 09/2019: Global existence of Dirac-wave maps with curvature term on expanding spacetimes
Annual meeting of the DMV 2019, Minisymposium "Analysis of wave propagation"
- 09/2019: Higher order energy functionals
Annual meeting of the DMV 2019, Sektion "Differentialgeometrie, globale Analysis und Anwendungen"
- 06/2019: Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie
- 02/2019: Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps
University of Iasi, Romania
- 09/2018: On semi-biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds
Differential Geometry Workshop 2018, Cagliari
- 06/2018: On semi-biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds
Joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Chinese Mathematical Society, Fudan University, Shanghai
- 05/2018: On semi-biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds
Topics in Geometric Analysis, Joint seminar of FU Berlin and Potsdam University
- 03/2018: Global existence of Dirac-wave maps with curvature term on expanding spacetimes
Partial Differential Equations in Geometry and Physics, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, China
- 03/2018: The heat flow for the full bosonic string
Workshop on Geometric Evolution Equations, Universität Regensburg
- 02/2018: The supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model as a geometric variational problem: A status report
Research Seminar Differential Geometry, Potsdam University
- 09/2017: On the nodal set of solutions to spinorial equations on closed surfaces
ÖMG - DMV 2017, Section Differential Geometry and Topology, Salzburg
- 09/2017: The supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model: Harmonic maps coupled to spinor fields
ÖMG - DMV 2017, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Analysis and Geometry, Salzburg
- 08/2017: The supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model: Harmonic maps coupled to spinor fields
Research Program: Geometry and Relativity, ESI Vienna
- 05/2017: The supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model: Harmonic maps coupled to spinor fields
Conference on Harmonic maps, University of Brest
- 06/2016: Prescribing curvature and torsion on surfaces
Differentialgeometrie Minikolloquium, TU Graz
- 06/2016: On the nodal set of solutions to spinorial equations on closed surfaces
38. Sueddeutsches Kolloquium ueber Differentialgeometrie, Universitaet Mainz
- 02/2016: Symmetry reduction of principal fibre bundles with applications in geometry and physics
Workshop on Transformations and Singularities, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 01/2016: On the nodal set of solutions to spinorial equations on closed surfaces
Journees Nanceiennes de Geometrie, Universite Nancy
- 09/2015: Renormalization Group Flows as geometric flows
Jahrestagung der DMV 2015, Universitaet Hamburg
- 07/2015: An introduction to magnetic geodesics
Geometrie Workshop in Seggau, Oesterreich
- 07/2015: Dirac-harmonic maps, extensions and applications
Universitaet Regensburg, Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie
- 03/2015: The supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model as a geometric variational problem
Geometric and Algebraic Methods in Mathematical Physics, TU Dortmund
- 03/2015: The full supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model as a geometric variational problem
Partial Differential Equations in Geometry and Physics, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum
- 02/2015: The full supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model as a geometric variational problem
Kavli Institute for Physics and Mathematics of the Universye, Tokyo
- 02/2015: The normalized second order renormalization group flow
Universitaet Kobe, Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie, Japan
- 02/2015: The evolution equation for magnetic geodesics
Submanifold Geometry and Lie Theory, Osaka City University
- 02/2015: The evolution equation for magnetic geodesics
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie