Co-editor of:
[N1] Höhere Thetafunktionen I,II
(Higher theta functions I,II),
Math. Nachr.
30 (1965), 17-32 and 33-46.
[N2] Kubische und biquadratische Gaußsche Summen
(Cubic and biquadratic Gauss sums),
J. Reine Angew. Math.
228 (1967), 159-165.
[N3] Eine Verallgemeinerung des Kreisproblems
(A generalization of the circle problem),
Arch. Math.
18 (1967), 181-187.
[N4] Ein Teilerproblem
(A divisor problem),
J. Reine Angew. Math.
235 (1969), 150-174.
[N5] Mittlere Darstellung natürlicher Zahlen als
Differenz zweier k-ter Potenzen
(Average representation of positive integers as a difference
of two k-th powers),
Acta Arith.
16 (1969), 111-121.
[N6] Die maximale Ordnung der Anzahl der wesentlich
verschiedenen Abelschen Gruppen n-ter Ordnung
(The maximum order of the number of essentially different
abelian groups of order n),
Q. J. Math. Oxford
21 (1970), 273-275.
[N7] Zahlen k-ter Art (Numbers of k-th type),
Am. J. Math.
94 (1972), 309-328.
[N8] Mittlere Darstellungen natürlicher Zahlen als
Summe von n k-ten Potenzen
(Average representation of positive integers as a sum of
n k-th powers),
Czechosl. Math. J.
23 (1973), 57-73.
[N9] Die Werteverteilung der Anzahl der nicht-isomorphen
Abelschen Gruppen endlicher Ordnung in kurzen Intervallen
(The value distribution of the number of non-isomorphic
abelian groups of finite order in short intervals),
Math. Nachr.
98 (1980), 135-144.
[N10] Dedekindsche Funktionen und Summen I,II
(Dedekind functions and sums I,II),
Period. Math. Hung.
12 (1981), 112-113 and 163-179.
[N11] Die Werteverteilung der Anzahl der nicht-isomorphen
Abelschen Gruppen endlicher Ordnung und ein verwandtes
zahlentheoretisches Problem (The value distribution of the
number of nonisomorphic abelian groups of finite order and a
related number-theoretic problem),
Publ. Inst. Math., Nouv. Ser.
31(45) (1982), 93-101.
[N12] Divisor problems and powerful numbers,
Math. Nachr.
114 (1983), 97-104.
[N13] Zweifache Exponentialsumen und dreidimensionale
Gitterpunktprobleme (Double exponential sums and
three-dimensional lattice problems),
Elementary and analytic theory of numbers,
Banach Cent. Publ.
17 (1985), 337-369.
[N14] On the average number of direct factors of a
finite Abelian group,
Acta Arith.
51 (1988), 369-379.
[N15] The distribution of powerful integers of type 4,
Acta Arith.
52 (1989), 141-145.
[N16] The distribution of values of a(n),
Arch. Math.
57 (1991), 47-52.
[N17] with
W. G. Nowak,
Lattice points in large convex bodies II,
Acta Arith.
62 (1992), 285-295.
[N18] Estimates in the general divisor problem,
Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hamburg
62 (1992), 191-206.
[N19] Theorie der Gitterpunkte (Theory of lattice points),
Elem. Math.
47 (1992), 6-18.
[N20] with S. Hoeppner, The number of lattice points inside and on the surface
Math. Nachr.
163 (1993), 257-268.
[N21] with
D. Wolke,
Über die Anzahl der abelschen Gruppen gegebener
Ordnung (On the number of Abelian groups of a given order),
14 (1994), 257-266.
[N22] On the distribution of square-full and cube-full numbers,
Monatsh. Math.
120 (1995), 105-119.
[N23] Double exponential sums,
16 (1996), 109-123.
[N24] Lattice points in large convex bodies: Analytic foundations,
in: W. G. Nowak,
J. Schoißengeier (Eds.),
Proc. Conf. Analytic and Elementary Number Theory, Vienna 1996,
pp. 149-164.
[N25] Weighted lattice points in threedimensional convex bodies and
the number of lattice points in parts of elliptic paraboloids,
J. Reine Angew. Math.
485 (1997), 11-23.
[N26] Lattice points in super spheres,
Commentat. Math. Univ. Carolinae
40 (1999), 373-391.
[N27] Lattice points in three-dimensional convex bodies,
Math. Nachr.
212 (2000), 77-90.
[N28] with
W. G. Nowak,
Primitive lattice points in a thin strip along the boundary of a large convex planar domain,
Acta Arith.
99 (2001), 331-341.
[N29] A sum formula related to ellipsoids with applications to lattice point theory,
Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hamburg
71 (2001), 143-159.
[N30] Lattice points in three-dimensional convex bodies with points of Gaussian curvature zero at the boundary,
Monatsh. Math.
137 (2002), 197-211.
[N31] Lattice points in some special three-dimensional convex bodies with point of Gaussian curvature zero at the boundary,
Commentat. Math. Univ. Carolinae
43 (2002), 755-771.
[N32] Lattice points in planar convex domains,
Monatsh. Math.
143 (2004), 145-162.
[N33] Estimates of Weyl's exponential sums for very small values of the variable,
Arch. Math.
83 (2004), 328-339.
[N34] Effektive Abschätzungen für den Gitterrest gewisser ebener und dreidimensionaler Bereiche
(Effective estimates for the lattice point discrepancy of certain planar and three-dimensional domains),
Monatsh. Math.
146 (2005), 21-35.
[N35] with A. Ivic,
M. Kühleitner,
W. G. Nowak,
Lattice points in large regions and related arithmetic functions: recent developments in a very classic topic.
In: W. Schwarz,
J. Steuding (eds.),
Elementary and analytic number theory. Proceedings of the ELAZ conference, Mainz, Germany, May 24-28, 2004.
Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2006.
Schriften der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main 20,
pp. 89-128.
[N36] with
W. G. Nowak,
Eine explizite Abschätzung für die Gitter-Diskrepanz von Rotationsellipsoiden
(An effective estimate for the lattice point discrepancy of spheroids),
Monatsh. Math.
152 (2007), 45-61.
[A1] Eine Verallgemeinerung der Laplace- und Meijer-Transformation
(A generalization of the Laplace- and the Meijer-transformation),
Wiss. Z. Friedrich Schiller - Univ. Jena, Math.-Naturw. Reihe
14 (1965), 369-381.
[A2] Die Faltung der L-Transformation
(The convolution of the L-transformation),
Wiss. Z. Friedrich Schiller - Univ. Jena, Math.-Naturw. Reihe
14 (1965), 383-390.
[A3] Übertragung der Post-Widderschen Umkehrformel der
Laplace-Transformation auf die L-Transformation
(Transference of the Post-Widder inversion formula for the
Laplace transformation to the L-transformation),
Math. Nachr.
35 (1967), 295-304.
[A4] Differentialgleichungen vom Fokker-Planckschen Typ
(Differential equations of Fokker-Planck type),
Math. Nachr.
35 (1967), 137-147.
[A5] Differentiationssätze der L-Transformation und
Differentialgleichungen nach dem Operator
(Differentiation theorems of the L-transformation and
differential equations with respect to the operator
Math. Nachr.
35 (1967), 105-114.
[A6] Asymptotische Entwicklung von Funktionen und asymptotische
Lösung von Funktionalgleichungen in mehreren Veränderlichen
(Asymptotic expansion of functions and asymptotic solution of
functional equations in many variables),
Math. Nachr.
78 (1977), 249-261.
[A7] with H. Menzer,
Asymptotische Entwicklung von Integralen mit
zwei Parametern (Asymptotic expansion of integrals with two parameters),
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung.
35 (1980), 311-333.
[P1] Zweidimensionale Todesprozesse in stetiger Zeit (Two-dimensional death processes with continous time), Math. Nachr. 85 (1978), 315-342.