Seamus Albion

Seamus Albion

I am a PhD student at the University of Vienna where my advisor is Christian Krattenthaler. As such I am a member of the combinatorics group and the Vienna School of Mathematics. Before coming to Vienna I did my undergraduate and MPhil at the University of Queensland where my advisor was Ole Warnaar.

My research interests (at this stage) lie in special functions and combinatorics.

Email: seamus.albion at


  1. S. P. Albion, E. M. Rains and S. O. Warnaar, Elliptic An Selberg integrals, arXiv:2306.02442 (pdf).
  2. S. P. Albion, I. Fischer, H. Höngesberg and F. Schreier-Aigner, Skew symplectic and orthogonal characters through lattice paths, arXiv:2305.11730 (pdf), to appear in European Journal of Combinatorics.


  1. S. P. Albion, Proof of some Littlewood identities conjectured by Lee, Rains and Warnaar, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B 11 (2024) 133–146. arXiv:2108.12766 (pdf)
  2. S. P. Albion, Universal characters twisted by roots of unity, Algebraic Combinatorics 6 (2023), 1653–1676. arXiv:2212.07343 (pdf) (journal webpage)
  3. S. P. Albion, E. M. Rains and S. O. Warnaar, AFLT-type Selberg integrals, Communications in Mathematical Physics 388 (2021), 735–791. arXiv:2001.05637 (pdf)

Also see this list on the arXiv.

Other writing

Selected talks

Some events


In Summer Semester 2022 I taught an exercise class for the course Diskrete Mathematik at the University of Vienna. At UQ I was a teaching assistant/tutor for several undergradute course including MATH2302 (Discrete Mathematics II) and MATH3303 (Algebra).