Seamus Albion

Seamus Albion

I am a PhD student at the University of Vienna where my advisor is Christian Krattenthaler. As such I am a member of the combinatorics group and the Vienna School of Mathematics. Before coming to Vienna I did my undergraduate and MPhil at the University of Queensland where my advisor was Ole Warnaar.

My research interests (at this stage) lie in special functions and combinatorics.

Email: seamus.albion at


  1. S. Albion, Character factorisations, z-asymmetric partitions and plethysm, arXiv:2501.18520, (pdf).
  2. S. Albion, T. Eisenkölbl, I. Fischer, M. Gangl, H. Höngesberg, C. Krattenthaler and M. Rubey, A generalization of conjugation of integer partitions, arXiv:2407.16043 (pdf).
  3. S. P. Albion, E. M. Rains and S. O. Warnaar, Elliptic An Selberg integrals, Constructive Approximation, to appear, arXiv:2306.02442 (pdf).


  1. S. P. Albion, I. Fischer, H. Höngesberg and F. Schreier-Aigner, Skew symplectic and orthogonal characters through lattice paths, European Journal of Combinatorics 122 (2024), article 104000. arXiv:2305.11730 (pdf)
  2. S. P. Albion, Proof of some Littlewood identities conjectured by Lee, Rains and Warnaar, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B 11 (2024) 133–146. arXiv:2108.12766 (pdf)
  3. S. P. Albion, Universal characters twisted by roots of unity, Algebraic Combinatorics 6 (2023), 1653–1676. arXiv:2212.07343 (pdf) (journal webpage)
  4. S. P. Albion, E. M. Rains and S. O. Warnaar, AFLT-type Selberg integrals, Communications in Mathematical Physics 388 (2021), 735–791. arXiv:2001.05637 (pdf)

Also see this list on the arXiv.

Other writing

Selected talks

Some events


In Summer Semester 2022 I taught an exercise class for the course Diskrete Mathematik at the University of Vienna. At UQ I was a teaching assistant/tutor for several undergradute course including MATH2302 (Discrete Mathematics II) and MATH3303 (Algebra).