Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

7th Workshop "Mathematics for Medicine (against Cancer)"

Location: WPI Oskar Morgensternplatz 1, 1090 Wien Wed, 31. Jul (Opening: 10:00) - Fri, 2. Aug 24
Inst. CNRS Pauli
Marie Doumic (INRIA)
Doron Levy (U. Maryland)
Norbert J Mauser (WPI c/o U.Wien)
Remark: Click here for further information

Talks in the framework of this event

Tommaso Lorenzi (Politechnico di Torino) WPI, OMP 1, Seminar Room 08.135 Wed, 31. Jul 24, 9:55
Modelling the spatial spread and evolutionary dynamics of heterogeneous cell populations
In this talk, mathematical models for the spatial spread and evolutionary dynamics of heterogeneous cell populations will be considered. In these models, which are formulated as partial differential equations, a continuous structuring variable captures intercellular heterogeneity in cell proliferation and migration rates. Analytical and numerical results summarising the behaviour of the solutions to the model equations will be presented, and the main biological insights generated by these results will be discussed.
  • Thematic program: Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025)
  • Event: 7th Workshop "Mathematics for Medicine (against Cancer)" (2024)

test3 Sat, 3. Aug 24, 0:00
  • Event: 7th Workshop "Mathematics for Medicine (against Cancer)" (2024)

test4 Sun, 4. Aug 24, 0:00
  • Thematic program: Mathematics for Biology and Medicine (2024/2025)
  • Event: 7th Workshop "Mathematics for Medicine (against Cancer)" (2024)

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