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00001 // Additional Information Union implementation -*- C++ -*-
00003 // Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Hermann Schichl
00004 //
00005 // This file is part of the COCONUT API.  This library
00006 // is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
00007 // terms of the Library GNU General Public License as published by the
00008 // Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00009 // any later version.
00011 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 // Library GNU General Public License for more details.
00016 // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
00017 // library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
00018 // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
00019 // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
00020 // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
00021 // the Library GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
00022 // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
00023 // the Library GNU General Public License.
00027 #ifndef _ADDINFO_H_
00028 #define _ADDINFO_H_
00030 #include <string>
00031 #include <vector>
00032 #include <coconut_config.h>
00033 #include <interval.h>
00034 #include <linalg.h>
00036 // the simple types have to be < ADDINFO_EMPTY
00037 #define ADDINFO_INTERVAL    -5
00038 #define ADDINFO_DOUBLE      -4
00039 #define ADDINFO_UINT        -3
00040 #define ADDINFO_INT         -2
00041 #define ADDINFO_BOOL        -1
00042 //
00043 #define ADDINFO_EMPTY        0
00044 // the complex types have to be > ADDINFO_EMPTY
00045 #define ADDINFO_ALLOCED_B    1
00046 #define ADDINFO_ALLOCED_N    2
00047 #define ADDINFO_ALLOCED_U    3
00048 #define ADDINFO_ALLOCED_D    4
00049 #define ADDINFO_ALLOCED_I    5
00050 #define ADDINFO_ALLOCED_S    6
00051 #define ADDINFO_ALLOCED_M    7
00052 #define ADDINFO_ALLOCED_NM   8
00053 #define ADDINFO_ALLOCED_IM   9
00055 class additional_info_u
00056 {
00057 private:
00058   union
00059   {
00060     bool nb;            // this union contains additional information
00061     int nn;             // and standard types
00062     unsigned int nu;
00063     double nd;
00064     interval_st ni;
00065     std::string* s;
00066     std::vector<bool>* b;
00067     std::vector<int>* n;
00068     std::vector<unsigned int>* u;
00069     std::vector<double>* d;
00070     std::vector<interval>* i;
00071     matrix<double>* m;
00072     matrix<int>* nm;
00073     matrix<interval>* im;
00074   } __c;
00075   int __is_allocated;
00077 private:
00078   void _destroy()
00079     {
00080       switch(__is_allocated)
00081       {
00082         case ADDINFO_INTERVAL:
00083         case ADDINFO_DOUBLE:
00084         case ADDINFO_UINT:
00085         case ADDINFO_INT:
00086         case ADDINFO_BOOL:
00087         case ADDINFO_EMPTY:
00088           break;
00089         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_S:
00090           delete(__c.s);
00091           break;
00092         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_B:
00093           delete(__c.b);
00094           break;
00095         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_N:
00096           delete(__c.n);
00097           break;
00098         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_U:
00099           delete(__c.u);
00100           break;
00101         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_D:
00102           delete(__c.d);
00103           break;
00104         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_I:
00105           delete(__c.i);
00106           break;
00107         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_M:
00108           delete(__c.m);
00109           break;
00110         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_NM:
00111           delete(__c.nm);
00112           break;
00113         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_IM:
00114           delete(;
00115           break;
00116       }
00117     }
00119   void _copy(const additional_info_u& __a)
00120     {
00121       __is_allocated = __a.__is_allocated;
00122       switch(__is_allocated)
00123       {
00124         case ADDINFO_EMPTY:
00125           break;
00126         case ADDINFO_INTERVAL:
00127  =;
00128           break;
00129         case ADDINFO_DOUBLE:
00130           __c.nd = __a.__c.nd;
00131           break;
00132         case ADDINFO_UINT:
00133  =;
00134           break;
00135         case ADDINFO_INT:
00136           __c.nn = __a.__c.nn;
00137           break;
00138         case ADDINFO_BOOL:
00139           __c.nb = __a.__c.nb;
00140           break;
00141         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_S:
00142           __c.s = new std::string(*__a.__c.s);
00143           break;
00144         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_B:
00145           __c.b = new std::vector<bool>(*__a.__c.b);
00146           break;
00147         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_N:
00148           __c.n = new std::vector<int>(*__a.__c.n);
00149           break;
00150         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_U:
00151           __c.u = new std::vector<unsigned int>(*__a.__c.u);
00152           break;
00153         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_D:
00154           __c.d = new std::vector<double>(*__a.__c.d);
00155           break;
00156         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_I:
00157           __c.i = new std::vector<interval>(*__a.__c.i);
00158           break;
00159         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_M:
00160           __c.m = new matrix<double>(*__a.__c.m);
00161           break;
00162         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_NM:
00163           __c.nm = new matrix<int>(*__a.__c.nm);
00164           break;
00165         case ADDINFO_ALLOCED_IM:
00166  = new matrix<interval>(*;
00167           break;
00168       }
00169     }
00171 public:
00172   additional_info_u() : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_EMPTY) {}
00173   additional_info_u(bool __x) : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_BOOL)
00174     { __c.nb = __x; }
00175   additional_info_u(int __x) : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_INT)
00176     { __c.nn = __x; }
00177   additional_info_u(unsigned int __x) : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_UINT)
00178     { = __x; }
00179   additional_info_u(double __x) : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_DOUBLE)
00180     { __c.nd = __x;}
00181   additional_info_u(interval __x) : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_INTERVAL)
00182     { = __x; }
00183   additional_info_u(const char* __cp) : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_ALLOCED_S)
00184     { __c.s = new std::string(__cp); }
00185   additional_info_u(const std::string& __x) : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_ALLOCED_S)
00186     { __c.s = new std::string(__x); }
00187   additional_info_u(const std::vector<bool>& __x) : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_ALLOCED_B)
00188     { __c.b = new std::vector<bool>(__x); }
00189   additional_info_u(const std::vector<int>& __x) : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_ALLOCED_N)
00190     { __c.n = new std::vector<int>(__x); }
00191   additional_info_u(const std::vector<unsigned int>& __x) : __is_allocated(ADDINFO_ALLOCED_U)
00192     { __c.u = new std::vector<unsigned int>(__x); }
00193   additional_info_u(const std::vector<double>& __x) :
00194         __is_allocated(ADDINFO_ALLOCED_D)
00195     { __c.d = new std::vector<double>(__x); }
00196   additional_info_u(const std::vector<interval>& __x) :
00197         __is_allocated(ADDINFO_ALLOCED_I)
00198     { __c.i = new std::vector<interval>(__x); }
00199   additional_info_u(const matrix<double>& __x) :
00200         __is_allocated(ADDINFO_ALLOCED_M)
00201     { __c.m = new matrix<double>(__x); }
00202   additional_info_u(const matrix<int>& __x) :
00203         __is_allocated(ADDINFO_ALLOCED_NM)
00204     { __c.nm = new matrix<int>(__x); }
00205   additional_info_u(const matrix<interval>& __x) :
00206         __is_allocated(ADDINFO_ALLOCED_IM)
00207     { = new matrix<interval>(__x); }
00209   ~additional_info_u()
00210     { _destroy(); }
00212   additional_info_u(const additional_info_u& __a)
00213     { _copy(__a); }
00215   additional_info_u& operator=(bool __x)
00216     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_BOOL; __c.nb = __x;
00217       return *this;
00218     }
00220   additional_info_u& operator=(int __x)
00221     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_INT; __c.nn = __x;
00222       return *this;
00223     }
00225   additional_info_u& operator=(unsigned int __x)
00226     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_UINT; = __x;
00227       return *this;
00228     }
00230   additional_info_u& operator=(double __x)
00231     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_DOUBLE; __c.nd = __x;
00232       return *this;
00233     }
00235   additional_info_u& operator=(interval __x)
00236     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_INTERVAL; = __x;
00237       return *this;
00238     }
00240   additional_info_u& operator=(const std::string& __x)
00241     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_S;
00242       __c.s = new std::string(__x);
00243       return *this;
00244     }
00246   additional_info_u& operator=(const char* __x)
00247     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_S;
00248       __c.s = new std::string(__x);
00249       return *this;
00250     }
00252   additional_info_u& operator=(const std::vector<bool>& __x)
00253     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_B;
00254       __c.b = new std::vector<bool>(__x);
00255       return *this;
00256     }
00258   additional_info_u& operator=(const std::vector<int>& __x)
00259     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_N;
00260       __c.n = new std::vector<int>(__x);
00261       return *this;
00262     }
00264   additional_info_u& operator=(const std::vector<unsigned int>& __x)
00265     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_U;
00266       __c.u = new std::vector<unsigned int>(__x);
00267       return *this;
00268     }
00270   additional_info_u& operator=(const std::vector<double>& __x)
00271     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_D;
00272       __c.d = new std::vector<double>(__x);
00273       return *this;
00274     }
00276   additional_info_u& operator=(const std::vector<interval>& __x)
00277     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_I;
00278       __c.i = new std::vector<interval>(__x);
00279       return *this;
00280     }
00282   additional_info_u& operator=(const matrix<double>& __x)
00283     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_M;
00284       __c.m = new matrix<double>(__x);
00285       return *this;
00286     }
00288   additional_info_u& operator=(const matrix<int>& __x)
00289     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_NM;
00290       __c.nm = new matrix<int>(__x);
00291       return *this;
00292     }
00294   additional_info_u& operator=(const matrix<interval>& __x)
00295     { _destroy(); __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_IM;
00296 = new matrix<interval>(__x);
00297       return *this;
00298     }
00300   additional_info_u& operator=(const additional_info_u& __a)
00301     {
00302       _destroy();
00303       _copy(__a);
00304       return *this;
00305     }
00307   additional_info_u& clear()
00308     {
00309       _destroy();
00310       __is_allocated = ADDINFO_EMPTY;
00311       return *this;
00312     }
00314 public:
00315   // this constructor must not be used unless __m was allocated
00316   // by new matrix<double>.
00317   additional_info_u& set_m(matrix<double>* __m)
00318   {
00319     clear();
00320     __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_M;
00321     __c.m = __m;
00322     return *this;
00323   }
00325   // this constructor must not be used unless __m was allocated
00326   // by new matrix<interval>.
00327   additional_info_u& set_im(matrix<interval>* __m)
00328   {
00329     clear();
00330     __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_IM;
00331 = __m;
00332     return *this;
00333   }
00335   // this constructor must not be used unless __m was allocated
00336   // by new matrix<int>.
00337   additional_info_u& set_nm(matrix<int>* __m)
00338   {
00339     clear();
00340     __is_allocated = ADDINFO_ALLOCED_NM;
00341     __c.nm = __m;
00342     return *this;
00343   }
00345 public:
00346   bool nb() const { return __c.nb; }
00347   int nn() const { return __c.nn; }
00348   unsigned int nu() const { return; }
00349   double nd() const { return __c.nd; }
00350   interval ni() const { return; }
00351   std::string& s() const { return *__c.s; }
00352   std::vector<bool>& b() const { return *__c.b; }
00353   std::vector<int>& n() const { return *__c.n; }
00354   std::vector<unsigned int>& u() const { return *__c.u; }
00355   std::vector<double>& d() const { return *__c.d; }
00356   std::vector<interval>& i() const { return *__c.i; }
00357   matrix<double>& m() const { return *__c.m; }
00358   matrix<int>& nm() const { return *__c.nm; }
00359   matrix<interval>& im() const { return *; }
00361   bool is_allocated() const { return __is_allocated > ADDINFO_EMPTY; }
00362   bool empty() const { return __is_allocated == ADDINFO_EMPTY; }
00363   int has_type() { return __is_allocated; }
00364 };
00366 #endif /* _ADDINFO_H_ */

Generated on Tue Nov 4 01:57:56 2003 for COCONUT API by doxygen1.2.18